The Index Podcast
Dec. 14, 2023

Viral Video Marketing and AI Content Creation with Tomer Dean, CEO of Lychee

This week on The Index, host Alex Kehaya welcomes Tomer Dean, CEO of Lychee, a premium video content marketing platform. Tomer, along with his partners, started Lychee to assist brands and content creators in producing viral hits for TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and more to reach over 1 million views.  Learn how Lychee's unique hybrid AI architecture delivers high-end content for social media channels. 

Host - Alex Kehaya

Producer - Shawn Nova




00:04 - AI and Future of Content Creation

09:08 - Scaling Communication Efforts With Leaky

14:07 - Entrepreneurial Ventures and Learning Experiences

19:03 - AI, Blockchain, and Content Distribution Intersection