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Nov. 2, 2022

Hannah Alexander- One Hip Wonderful

Hannah Alexander- One Hip Wonderful

Welcome back the the podcast, I’m Jamie Baynes. Today, we call back over to London to talk to Hannah Alexander. I came across Hannah on Instagram when I was posting about my hip replacement. She sent me some encouraging words on recovery, so I started following her page and I’m so glad I did. She’s an amazing person and a joy to talk to. 

 I’m sure after listening to our conversation, you can tell that I’m a huge fan. I strongly suggest checking out her Instagram page and following her photographic  journey of recovery. And beyond that, going to her page will just make you smile. It’s so easy to get caught up in all the negativity that seems to be everywhere. But a ton of positivity is out there as well; you just need to seek it out. Then when you find it, keep going back to it.

Like Hannah said, be nice to each other. It really is just that easy.

Head on over to her IG page and get to know her a little better: The One Hip Wonder

Until next time, take care of each other. And as always, thanks for listening.