Feb. 29, 2024

Rocketing Ahead: Navigating eCommerce and Digital Marketing Trends (Jennifer Elmashni, General Manager, Rocketbook by BIC)

Rocketing Ahead: Navigating eCommerce and Digital Marketing Trends (Jennifer Elmashni, General Manager, Rocketbook by BIC)

Innovation in eCommerce and Digital Marketing: In your experience, what have been the most significant changes in the landscape of eCommerce and digital marketing in recent years, and how have you adapted these changes at Rocketbook to maintain a competitive edge? 

      Leadership in Organizational Change: You’ve emphasized the importance of people leadership and organizational effectiveness in your career. Could you share an instance where your leadership significantly impacted organizational change, particularly in embracing digital transformation?

    Strategy Behind Rocketbook’s Success: As the General Manager at Rocketbook, you’ve been responsible for growing a new category with smart reusable notebook innovation. Can you elaborate on the strategies you implemented to make Rocketbook a global household brand, particularly in merging the physical and digital writing experience?

Future Trends and Predictions: Looking forward, what emerging trends do you foresee in eCommerce and digital marketing, and how is Rocketbook preparing to adapt to these future changes? Additionally, how do you envision the role of women leaders evolving in this space?