Oct. 26, 2023

Navigating Marketplace Control: Strategies, Risks, and Rewards (Russ Dieringer, Founder & CEO at Stratably)

Navigating Marketplace Control: Strategies, Risks, and Rewards (Russ Dieringer, Founder & CEO at Stratably)

Can you elaborate on how the pandemic pushed marketplace control issues to the backburner for many brands? What were the primary challenges faced by these companies, and how did this affect their operations and sales strategy?

Some brands have been reluctant to cut off any distribution even if the distributors might be reselling their products on the marketplace due to post-pandemic sales slumps. Can you speak to the risks and rewards of this strategy, and what you believe a healthier approach might be?

One of the reasons that brands struggle with implementing marketplace control solutions is the difficulty of measuring the negative impact of practices like price matching and loss of brand control. Could you share some insights or potential methods to quantify these impacts and convince internal skeptics?

How do marketplace control measures affect internal sales teams, particularly when it comes to their compensation and future opportunities? How can brands mitigate these negative impacts while still maintaining control over their marketplace distribution?