Everyone has great stories...lets share them
Jan. 27, 2022

Ep. 8 - Storybooks, Gregg Jorritsma with... Jerry Hall, Millennial Success Academy

Ep. 8 - Storybooks, Gregg Jorritsma with... Jerry Hall, Millennial Success Academy

Ep. 8 - Storybooks, Gregg Jorritsma with... Jerry Hall

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storybooks, gregg jorritsma with...podcast

A lively discussion with entrepreneurs about their journey, struggles, successes, and more,

Storybooks, Gregg Jorritsma with...is a Town Crier Raconteurs 2022 production. Promotional consideration, Talkshoe by iotum and TJ Word and Voice Solutions. 

Jerry HallProfile Photo

Jerry Hall

Founder, Millennial Success Academy

I was inspired to start the academy after I wrote a short story about my deaf and autistic son. He had a dream and a goal no one thought possible. My son went ahead and succeeded anyway. As a result, his story is now sold and read worldwide. It has become my mission in life to share his story to inspire and help others make their dreams come true. The success academy is the best way I can think of doing that.

The New Millennial Success Academy was created to give people hope for the future. The kind of hope that allows all our dreams and goals to come true. Its mission is "To educate and inspire people to discover, and live the life they are intended to live."