Everyone has great stories...lets share them
Sept. 15, 2022

Ep. 33 - Storybooks, Gregg Jorritsma with... Rian Malloch, Skware Eyes

Ep. 33 - Storybooks, Gregg Jorritsma with... Rian Malloch, Skware Eyes

Rian Malloch of Skware Eyes Collaborative joins Storybooks to discuss his 30 years in the music business and his successful Talent Management company.

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storybooks, gregg jorritsma with...podcast

Storybooks, Gregg Jorritsma with...is a Town Crier Raconteurs 2022 production. Promotional consideration, Talkshoe by iotum and TJ Word and Voice Solutions. 

Rian MallochProfile Photo

Rian Malloch

Founder, Skware Eyes Collaborative

I'm an artist manager, festival curator, and tour manager in the music industry. Starting in punk bands at 16 years old, moving to roadie, then road management, then tour management, and all stops in between. Though there were several detours along the way, I've been in the music industry for nearly 30 years. Residing in Waterdown, ON, but still call Burlington home. I've worked with bands like The Cult, Journey, The Offspring, and currently manage several Canadian artists, including platinum selling, Big Wreck. A local tie to Burlington, I was the talent buyer for Sound of Music Festival until the pandemic hit in 2020.