Everyone has great stories...lets share them
Sept. 1, 2022

Ep. 32 - Storybooks, Gregg Jorritsma with... Greg Kastelein, Pretto Pasta

Ep. 32 - Storybooks, Gregg Jorritsma with... Greg Kastelein, Pretto Pasta

Greg Kastelein is a seasoned business professional who joins the show to discuss his latest venture. Pretto Pasta

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storybooks, gregg jorritsma with...podcast

Storybooks, Gregg Jorritsma with...is a Town Crier Raconteurs 2022 production. Promotional consideration, Talkshoe by iotum and TJ Word and Voice Solutions. 

Greg KasteleinProfile Photo

Greg Kastelein

Director Pretto Pasta

Greg Kastelein of Pretto Pasta in Hamilton, Ontario. Greg is a highly regarded business professional with more than 25 year’s experience in various industries.

Greg’s long and storied career has not been linear at all and includes multiple stints in technology, followed later by a successful home theatre business before joining his son at Pretto Pasta.