Everyone has great stories...lets share them
July 20, 2022

Ep. 30 - Storybooks, Gregg Jorritsma with... Jenna Zeng, CEO, StaffNet

Ep. 30 - Storybooks, Gregg Jorritsma with... Jenna Zeng, CEO, StaffNet

Jenna Zeng, the CEO of StaffNet joins Storybooks to discuss the origins of her business and how she found herself curating her perfect job.

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storybooks, gregg jorritsma with...podcast

Storybooks, Gregg Jorritsma with...is a Town Crier Raconteurs 2022 production. Promotional consideration, Talkshoe by iotum and TJ Word and Voice Solutions. 

Jenna ZengProfile Photo

Jenna Zeng

Co-Founder & CEO, StaffNet

I’d describe myself as a serial entrepreneur, therefore a total idea junkie, a lover of fitness and daily movement, a self-proclaimed world traveller, a self-development book worm and someone who seeks to laugh and play every dang day!

A day in the life would be taking daily walks with my family, sipping on tea (preferably bubble tea!), playing with my son Atreus and our dog Ollie, and working in-between to curate my perfect job.

What’s my perfect job? I work with entrepreneurs that are in the infancy of their business journey to the OG’s of the business realm that are struggling with organizing and scaling their businesses. I provide consulting services, along with an amazing software and app called StaffNet Employee Scheduling.

With StaffNet I’m able to provide my clients and my fellow entrepreneurial community the tools to take back their day and have their business work for them, not the other way around.