Everyone has great stories...lets share them
Feb. 10, 2022

Ep. 10 - Storybooks, Gregg Jorritsma with... James Gray, James Gray Music

Ep. 10 - Storybooks, Gregg Jorritsma with... James Gray, James Gray Music

Ep. 10 - Storybooks, Gregg Jorritsma with... James Gray

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storybooks, gregg jorritsma with...podcast

Storybooks, Gregg Jorritsma with...is a Town Crier Raconteurs 2022 production. Promotional consideration, Talkshoe by iotum and TJ Word and Voice Solutions. 

James GrayProfile Photo

James Gray

Folksinger, James Gray Music

James Gray is a contemporary version of an old-school travelling folk singer. Over the years he has been criss-crossing Canada, Europe and Australia in pursuit of seeing the world and entertaining folks along the way. James now has ten tours on three different continents under his belt and is just getting started.

Gray resides in a small cabin in the rural setting of Muskoka Ontario where he grew up. James loves the serenity and quiet of living in nature. On the flip side of the coin he is driven by touring and ventures out into new territory every chance he gets.