We Do Recover
Aug. 22, 2023

Exploring Substance Use Disorders and Therapy with Dr. Ari Lakritz

Exploring Substance Use Disorders and Therapy with Dr. Ari Lakritz

Just imagine the journey one must take to devote their life to the study of the human mind. Dr. Ari Lakritz, our esteemed guest and psychologist at OSF in St. Anthony's in Alton, journeyed to the Midwest from the bustling streets of New York City and New Jersey, before settling in Alton. In our fascinating dialogue, Dr. Lakritz takes us along his educational journey, narrating his experiences from his undergrad studies to securing his doctorate, all while sharing his views on substance use along the way.

There is a raw honesty in the world of addiction and recovery, a truth that can be difficult to confront, yet is vital to the healing process. Dr. Lakritz beautifully illustrates this in our discussion. We speak candidly about the challenges medical professionals face when dealing with substance use disorders, and the importance of a holistic approach to healing. Digging deeper into the subject, we explore the intriguing concept of acquired personality pathology and delve into the intricacies of trauma-informed care. It's a conversation that underscores the need for patience, collaboration, and honesty in tackling these complex issues.

But what of those who need these services? Dr. Lakritz sheds light on an often overlooked aspect of therapy - the wait times. He outlines the importance of short wait times for therapy services, and how the team at OSF is making a notable effort to reduce the gap between scheduling and seeing clients. This conversation serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of seeking help when you need it, and the possibilities that are available. So, if you're someone in need, or you know someone who could benefit from these services, don't hesitate to reach out to OSF and take advantage of the shorter wait lists.

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