MT. ROCKMORE | Season 2 | Episode #12: Judas Priest
Over 50 YEARS of pure, un-adulterated metal…celebrated on this MT. ROCKMORE – BOWER picks out 4-career defining songs of the leather-clad Metal Gods — JUDAS PRIEST
50 Years ago they were still getting fitted for their leather pants and were just...
Over 50 YEARS of pure, un-adulterated metal…celebrated on this MT. ROCKMORE – BOWER picks out 4-career defining songs of the leather-clad Metal Gods — JUDAS PRIEST
50 Years ago they were still getting fitted for their leather pants and were just beginning to bedazzle their jackets with enough studs to choke the Village People – and metal heads were not only defined….but praised the look, the sound and the loudness that is JUDAS PRIEST. From the scorching vocals of ROB HALFORD, to a guitar duo that made every MARSHALL thrilled for their existance- AND – Bower decides which song make the cut…and which DON’T! What Bower witnessed at his first concert and why they can’t even step foot in one of the US’ biggest concert venue in “JUDAS PRIEST – Today You Learnt”….
Tell your Mt. Rushmore of friends (4 you idiot!), follow the pod @MtRockmore on Twitter and leave us a message there letting us know which artist we should give the MT. ROCKMORE treatment next! #FeedTheRockmore