Rant and Rave Podcast


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Loving This Cast
Started listening now and then- but now must listen! Honest and Real.

What next?
There is no reason for anyone (other than extremely vulnerable folk) to die from COVID-19… ivermectin, monoclonal antibodies, other therapeutics make recovery almost a given, even from a severe case. If folks are dying, it’s important to understand why they aren’t getting the available treatments.

Hats off to Dave and Frank for saying what we’re all thinking.

Patriotic and Truthful
I just listened to these guys for the first time. Finally, a source that tells the truth about what’s going on in this country and doesn’t pull any punches! I continue to pray for a miracle and hope that Trump can overturn this farce of an election !

I’m a fan
These podcasts combine my three favorite things - conscious communication, love for our country and humor. If you are a truth seeker check them out. No inflation here. Just the facts. Great chemistry between two intelligent guys looking to open minds.

Love these guys!
Intelligent, informative & funny. I could easily see them having a show on local talk radio! Can’t wait fir the next one!

This is great, just two normal guys from California, traditonal values, common sense, everything California has lost they talk about...great insights on politics, media, culture wars, etc... SUBSCRIBE!

It’s like I’m having a beer with friends.
These guys have great insight and I love the subtle humor sprinkled in. I really feel like I am part of the conversation.

Great Podcast! 👍
I love this podcast because it’s so informational and overall it’s really great to listen to.