Oct. 20, 2021

Rant and Rave, Episode#66, Oct. 20, 2021: Lib Tard Potpourri

Rant and Rave, Episode#66, Oct. 20, 2021: Lib Tard Potpourri

Rant and Rave's rapid fire analysis on this week's Far left nut job stories, including, the manufactured supply chain crisis; just like COVID, being intentionally done to create an "emergency" (and getting Gavin Newsom's help in CA in doing so, since Gav...

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Rant and Rave Podcast

Rant and Rave's rapid fire analysis on this week's Far left nut job stories, including, the manufactured supply chain crisis; just like COVID, being intentionally done to create an "emergency" (and getting Gavin Newsom's help in CA in doing so, since Gav wants to be Pres one day) so government has another reason to declare one and keep you scared and under control via Executive Orders: RESIST!; AG Garland's wife turns out was a former consultant to a highly classified DOD contractor that, get this, worked on security issues for the 2020 election!; in addition, Amazon owned IMDB, that does all the ratings for TV shows and movies, goosed the slumping Fauci Nat Geo documentary numbers to make them look better than they are (kind of like the WH.gov You Tube channel that gives Sleepy Joe phony up votes to balance the 10:1 down votes, and that's a Lib Tard platform!) ; and finally, a NYC judge restricted an unvaccinated father from visiting his 3 year old son.