Sept. 3, 2023

Rant and Rave, Episode#233, Sep. 3, 2023: Labor Day Weekend Special!

Rant and Rave, Episode#233, Sep. 3, 2023: Labor Day Weekend Special!

Rant and Rave are live in studio and take you inside the Georgia scandal with Trump and others, as well as major constitutional issues like "Executive Privilege" and how it's being unequally applied between Dems and Trump. They also discuss climate c...

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Rant and Rave Podcast

Rant and Rave are live in studio and take you inside the Georgia scandal with Trump and others, as well as major constitutional issues like "Executive Privilege" and how it's being unequally applied between Dems and Trump. They also discuss climate change nonsense and how they want to use it to control your lives. (just like COVID) and Burning Man washed out by floods ! You don't want to miss this one!