Oct. 31, 2021

Rant and Rave, Episode #69, Oct. 31, 2021: Halloween Edition: The Global Reset: Marginalizing the USA

Rant and Rave, Episode #69, Oct. 31, 2021: Halloween Edition: The Global Reset: Marginalizing the USA

Rant and Rave discuss the reason all the world leaders are huddled together in Glassgow and Rome this week; it's to control you! It's all part of a well organized, funded and concerted effort to work with the Illuminati to bring down select nations and c...

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Rant and Rave Podcast

Rant and Rave discuss the reason all the world leaders are huddled together in Glassgow and Rome this week; it's to control you! It's all part of a well organized, funded and concerted effort to work with the Illuminati to bring down select nations and create one world government under the UN. And none of your rights matter in this context. Good news is it has no teeth, and we can never let it get any. We must continue to fight for America First! Leaders also took their private jets (hundreds of them) to Glassgow to fight climate change while expending tons of carbon gasses with their private jets! Total hypocrites as usual. It's the annual gathering of the Al Gore types who think the world is melting and we must do something NOW! (funny he said that 20 years ago and we seemed to be fine) Finally, they discuss the Virginia Governor election this coming Tuesday.