Sept. 6, 2023

Rant and Rave, Episode #234, Sep.6, 2023: Lib Tard Weekly Potpourri: How the Left Is Intentionally Destroying America

Rant and Rave, Episode #234, Sep.6, 2023: Lib Tard Weekly Potpourri: How the Left Is Intentionally Destroying America

The border is wide open with an illegal, intentional invasion happening every single day, to bring over vote mules and illegal voting. Your tax $ are giving them $2200/family/month; the illegals split family units so one kid goes with one parent and ...

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Rant and Rave Podcast

The border is wide open with an illegal, intentional invasion happening every single day, to bring over vote mules and illegal voting. Your tax $ are giving them $2200/family/month; the illegals split family units so one kid goes with one parent and the other with the other, then they double up and get $4400/family/month. That's more than US citizens on social security get, or Veterans. How are you voting in 14 months?