Caloroga Shark Media
May 29, 2024

Who is the leak in Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Camp Sussex?

Who is the leak in Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Camp Sussex?

Rebecca English told Palace Confidential “Prince Harry issued a statement, which was quite pithy, saying, ‘I really wanted to see my father, but effectually he was too busy to see me.’”

“Now, people close to him are briefing, well, actually, you...

Rebecca English told Palace Confidential “Prince Harry issued a statement, which was quite pithy, saying, ‘I really wanted to see my father, but effectually he was too busy to see me.’”

“Now, people close to him are briefing, well, actually, you know, the king did offer him a place to stay, I believe that place to be St James’s Palace, but Harry felt he couldn’t stay there, because it wasn’t secure enough for him.”
“What I find extraordinary is people close to Harry leaking this story, think it paints him in a good light, because I don’t think it does.”
During an event titled "Celebrating the Woman" to acknowledge the great contributions women have made in all aspects of life, Nigeria's First Lady appeared to make a veiled reference to Meghan’'s fashion choices during her recent visit to the country.

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