Dr. Miriam Liebman

Dr. Miriam Liebman Profile Photo

Assistant Editor at the Adams Family Papers | Massachusetts Historical Society

Miriam Liebman received her PH.D. in early American history from the Graduate Center, CUNY. Her dissertation, "'Thus Much for Politicks'; American Women, Diplomacy, and the Aftermath of the American Revolution," explores how elite American women acted in diplomatic capacities abroad in the Age of Revolutions. Her dissertation research received support from the Ph.D. Program in History at the Graduate Center, the Early Research Initiative in American Studies, the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, the National Society of Colonial Dames in the State of New York, the Colonial Dames of America, and the Massachusetts Historical Society. Dr. Liebman currently works as Assistant Editor at the Adams Family Papers.

Dec. 19, 2023

Episode 46: The Ambassadress Is Nothing But Blunt

Abigail Adams to John Quincy Adams, 16 Febuary 1786. In which Abigail reports from London to her son on dining with wealthy South Carolinians and the tribulations of her daughter Nabby in matters of the heart.