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Love this podcast!
I just discovered Steve’s podcast and I’ve treated like a new show I love on Netflix and binge “watched”! I’m up to episode 7 in 24 hours! I’m inspired - retiring next year at age 58 and have long dreamed of this adventure and the stories and tips have convinced me I can do this! Thanks Steve! So glad there are so many episode to listen to and enjoying the book mixed in VERY much!

The Usher
Mighty Blue is quite simply the best at his craft. Appreciate his wisdom and graciousness, even under the critique of S.M.’s pontificating

Like having a conversation with a friend
I’ve been going back and listening to Mighty Blue’s 2019 thru hike episodes and it’s such a treat. He is honest and thorough and interviews some super interesting people. You feel like you’re having a conversation with a friend. Thankful for this amazing podcast!

Mighty fine podcast
I'm in the process of listening to the entire catalogue of episodes. Though I'm only a quarter of the way through them, I can't say enough as to how enjoyable I'm finding this podcast. Mighty Blue and his guests are engaging and all share that same passion for the AT that draws the listener in. There's no point in waiting to finish all of the episodes to give this podcast the rating it deserves. Thanks for inspiring all of us future NOBOS and SOBOS.

Mighty Blue Steve Adams
Great podcast, reconnects me with the AT!!Steve has wonderful guests and asks the best questions!

Love this guy
Great podcast. He does a fantastic job with it. Well worth the time to listen

“Carpe Diem”
I discovered your podcasts by accident while doing a training hike for section hikes of the AT. Ironically I listened as I was going up my steepest climb of the day and you were talking about how strenuous hiking the AT was. You give real world explanations of the physical, mental and financial costs of the AT. I and others appreciate that. Your experience and willingness to pass on knowledge is invaluable to someone like me contemplating a through hike. Thanks again...trail name “off-road”

Wonderful anecdotal stories
I have only begun to listen to Steve’s story and interviews. As an aspiring thru hiker and a near member of AARP, I appreciate his candor and humor at tackling this tremendous feat. Looking forward to lots of hours being inspired and educated to take my first step on the trail. Thanks, Steve.

Great podcast centered on hiking but not only about hiking
This is a podcast about people and stories. Mighty Blue, the host, is just a nice and engaging guy. He also seems like an interesting guy who has a talent for finding the interesting aspects of anyone’s life. I don’t think that this is a podcast about hiking in so much as it is a podcast about the people who enjoy hiking. The two are not entirely separable, but on the spectrum this is much more person focused than trail focused, and the host does is wonderful at engaging people.

Excited to listen each week
Mighty Blue does a great job engaging his guests. I have been keeping up with the current episodes and going back to the beginning and catching up the older shows in chronological order so that I can listen to the reading at the end of each show and can follow where he is at on a map. The stories and info he pulls from his interviews builds my desire to get out and hike locally, encouraging a goal to eventually hike the AT. Keep up the great work!

Inspiration for my first section
I’ve been a regular listener for a few years now, but just finished my first section of the AT. I wouldn’t have done it without listening to this podcast every week. Thank you Steve (and guests) for making the trail approachable. I’m a middle aged mom with a sense of adventure and listening to your honest wires from the trail gave me confidence to give it a go. Love listening and can’t wait to see what’s next for you. ❤️

Very Well Done But Maybe Split Episodes
I love your podcasts but I do wish the interviews were separate episodes from your book. I understand having them combined but I get into different moods where I’ll very much want to listen to your interviews or solely listen to your book. That’s just my thought. Overall though, I really enjoy your podcast and appreciate all the hard work you put into making it 🙂

Best podcast out there
I don’t hike and I’m not an outdoors person, but this podcast has inspired me. The interviews, mixed with the book readings are terrific. Mighty Blue, a best-selling author, delivers a podcast that can’t be beat. And that voice. It was made for radio. You have converted this listener.

I was mighty blue before I discovered Mighty Blue!
My grown kids kept hassling me to find some podcasts to enjoy while driving and while sitting on the couch. I tried a few times but nothing clicked—this one was boring, that one’s main speaker had a voice that grated on my nerves, the other ones sounded good but after listening for a few minutes, I never seemed to go back to that podcast again. Since 2015 my teen daughter and I have section hiked almost 500 miles of the AT, before I was sidelined in fall 2018 with 2 surgeries. I was finally recovering and beginning to dream of more AT hikes when I found out chronic cancer had returned and I had major abdominal surgery on January 2020. As you can imagine, I was mighty blue at being benched once again. Just when I was ready to give up on my search for a podcast to entertain me during long-term recovery, I discovered this one! Ahhh... stories I love, experiences I laugh and cry over as I remember my own hikes, and a warm soothing voice from a speaker who often laughs... British accent as a bonus! I’m addicted!! Good thing we are still quarantined so I have time to listen to multiple episodes a day! My dream is rekindled of getting strong enough for another section hike fall 2020 (or spring 2021) and now I’m working hard at rehab with the help of PT. THANKS, Mighty Blue!! Can’t wait to keep listening to more episodes!

An Artist at work
Timely information, made timeless by its emotional and personal connection that we can ALL identify with! Steve is a master at this. As I have listened to many shows, this is the common denominator. The middle section of episode 216 is a great example of this!! Please take a listen.

Vicarious Hiking & Skillfull Interviewing
I'm very impressed with this podcast. Mighty Blue has outstanding interview skills and brings out the humanity and psyche of each hiker. He has fun while doing so and has fun alongside his guests. While many podcasts about hiking gravitate to gear and technique, Steve brings out the WHY from each guest, the EXPERIENCE and the REFLECTION. These are all skills as important as navigation, etc. I am so impressed that he has kept this up so long! I'm only up to episode 22 and look forward to enough stories to last me well beyond the COVID era (hopefully). Mighty Blue has taken a reallly thoughtful approach to this podcast and I am grateful. Keep it up!

Coronavirus episode
Appreciate the interview with the public health educator. But please stop pretending thruhiking this season is a matter of personal choice. This is a public health emergency and the president is asking everyone to stay home. Hikers might stay safer in the woods, as you keep saying, but that’s only if they camp alone and stay away from shelters, which almost no one does. But the much more important thing is that hikers will jeopardize towns on the trail as the ATC has warned. You have a platform. Don’r confuse people. It’s outrageous for anyone to thruhike now

MB will get me to Katadin
Love the show. Always informative, always entertaining. Steve interviews lots of interesting hikers and others who know the trail with is unique British wit & charm. I am making plans to do an AT Thru hike in 2021. I have no doubt Mighty Blue is helping me to get to Springer Mt for the start and will, no doubt be part of the reason I make it to Katadin.

This is the best!!
I am one of many who aspire to do a thru hike but I have to admit I know nothing about hiking other than reading books on other thru hikers. This podcast answers so many questions and relieves a lot of my fears of the unknown. I’m only on episode 10 of season 1 but I am hooked. The worst thing about the podcast is that it is increasing my desire to just drop it all and take off. With 5 boys ranging from 5th grade to college this is just not something I can do right now in my life. Until then I can live through these podcast and pray my day will eventually come. If you have any interest in hiking the AT, I recommend this podcast!!! Even if you don’t, I recommend this podcast. 😂

Every Episode is Exciting
As an aspiring thru hiker without time in my life right now, listening to Steve and the guests’ stories take me to another world and I feel like I’m hiking alongside with them. I love listening to them on my long runs or when I’m out hiking. I live how every episode is different and exciting and hearing everyone’s perspective on the trail and the world! Thank you Steve for allowing us in “regular” life to experience your adventures

Helping me along
This is my absolute favorite podcast! I drive a truck and sometimes this is as close as I get to any trail. I may have to wait until I retire but this show keeps me going. I have to admit that I feel that it gives me “pre-Trail” depression at times…I want to be out on the AT/PCT/CDT and get a little down that I’m at work instead. Then Steve a.k.a. Might Blue will burst out with his infectious laugh and make me smile. One day I’ll be out there!

Bruce doing a through hike on the AT
I am a first time listener to your show. I have backpack for mini years. Thank you for the tip on the food and gear it’s really helpful. I love the show keep up the good work.

Love the stories - but quick thought- do you have to be crazy to go?
Loving the stories, but a quick thought was all the people you have interviewed (so far) are just divorced or about to get divorced, have PTSD, or are getting over abuse! These are interesting stories to hear, but If I do the trail I hope there are some people who are not in an ‘unstable emotional state’ or is this a big cause for people to do this type of adventure?

Love this show
One of my favorite podcasts to listen to while on the trail! Thanks for all you do!

Love the show!
Hey there, another Horse radio network listener that discovered your podcast via HRN. I’m hooked!

Gearing up
Mighty Blue- you’re awesome. My friend and I are preparing for our first ever backpacking section hike of the AT, and in researching I discovered your podcast. I’ve been listening for about 12 weeks and I’m up to episode 132. Can’t wait to get all caught up. We head out in September 2019 to begin in Georgia. Love the show! Thank you for such amazing information and insight.

I'm hooked!
Even if I never get the chance to hike the AT I feel as though I have hiked it vicariously through Mighty Blue and his cast of characters. Love the show....I look forward to it every week! And don’t ever change the music!!! Thanks MB!

Amazing Show.
If you enjoy hiking you will love this podcast. The stories you hear will have you looking forward to new episodes and sad when they end.

Well, Mighty Blue, I’m not sure if I should feel elated or distraught. You see, I discovered your podcast last fall and after listening to them one after the other - I’m finally caught up! I’ve loved listening since episode one and it’s going to be hard to wait a week between podcasts. I wanted to thank you so much for making the Trail come alive for so many of us. You are a skilled interviewer and I’ve enjoyed the extras and the books you’ve shared. The most important thing I have learned from you is that the trail is for everyone. I’d pictured it full of only young people, just starting out in life. You’ve made me realize that even a stay-at-home mom can reach the goal of Katahdin once her kids are grown. Won’t all the disbelievers be surprised to see me out there in a few years, hiking my hike, aided in no small way by your knowledge, inspiration, and especially your belief that everyone deserves a chance at this dream. Thank you, Mighty Blue, you’ve changed my life. Best, Julie

Great podcasts, keep them coming!