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The Mexican
The mexican board op here.. I'm not racist I have a color TV..

Great times
So fun listening to the show

Best Sports Podcast!!
In spite of all Sam Tripoli’s efforts, this is actually a great podcast!!

Sam whines about reviews
The show is great. It is what every person wants in a sports show, a little review of the the hot topics in sports along with how talk about how these degenerates are able to stay alive for another week.

Yay daddy
Mommy said that jahyson is my daddy so I watch daddy and talk to him in this show

Funny show

Cool dood
Cool doods talking about people who are successful

Best ever
Best sports podcast out there nothing can touch it

5 Orange Stars
If you touch the hollow stars, they turn orange. You can do this while listening to the show.

Maybe 5% sports, but worth every minute.

its good.

Give these guys more love
They host a great show, a little more NHL coverage would be great but the comedy aspect is worth it.

Love the show
I really enjoy the angle of the podcast done by Sam, Ari and Jayson. I have to say that is very listener/fan friendly and as a winner of a bag of bets with Ari, I have suggested it to many friends. Also, I don't like the way you guys are saying BLACK!

best sports/comedy show on the interwebs, MMA, NFL, pre season NBA, MLB talk. Sam Tripoli, Jayson Thibault, Ari Shaffir and their correspondants (James, Anthony Johnson, Dustin Elliot, tranny correspondant, etc.) will make you laugh. I guarantee it!!... Sarah Tiana (pretty sam), Tait Fletcher, Tom Segura, Tony Hinchliffe, Josh Barnett, Matt Knost, are regular guest on the show. #mma #nfl #mlb #ufc #nba #sports #comedy #deathsquad #atc #allthingscomedy #dildocorn #megacum

The best
Funniest sports podcast

Great show
Easy to feel like the schwab when listening to these guys. Sam could try a little harder. He should just try to be funny more often.

cool show
love the show keep up the great work...

Love the new studio
Awesome podcast!

Perfect Sports Talk Show
This show has all you need if you're a real sports fan. Bad impressions, A naked Jew in a shower, and some guy who is always checking his phone for twitter updates. If you want to hear about how this is the year for the Clippers. Plus they let you call in and voice your opinions, but not before they hang up on you! This might sound to good to be true but WHY WOULD I LIE?!?!?!?

Great Show
2 of the 3 members are very funny!!!

Big miss for Redban!
The Sports podcast that can even make the sports haters love sports. The Jew, Armenian, and the dildocorn they bought from lesbians.

i wish u were here
how about....potato

Great "sports" show
Not your average sports show but when you get a room full of comedians the A.D.D. kicks in and the ramblings are usually good for some laughs. Check out the other podcasts by these guys they're all good.

Sweet Cherry #MegaCum
SO funny need more megacum.

Change the name
Awesome podcast. Great mix of comedy and sports. But you need to change the name to Listen To Sam Talk Over EVERYONE!

do yourself a favor... touch your wiener and listen to punch drunk.

Great comedy and sports talk
tripoli, shaffir. and thibaut are some of the funniest people around. but they also talk great sports.

Taylor Swift - Red
The New Taylor Swift album - Red - is amazing. This totally deserves 10 stars. I don't see why people keep hating on Taylor Swift. I love State of grace, thats the best song omg. Taylor keep making music! her relationship songs are what keep the planet spinning. The force from the beginning. we've come too far, to give up who we are, so let's raise the bar, and our cups to the stars. Go Taylor!