June 21, 2022

Grand Ideals Can Be Devastating

Grand Ideals Can Be Devastating

Join Jackie and Kim Serafini, creator of Positive Prime as they tackle how brain science is giving way to mind science and how not knowing the difference can be devastating.

Kim believes in the power of your mind to influence those around you . . . in an 11-mile radius . . .

This radical notion led to a lively discussion that was both profound and intense.

Listen to this episode only if you’re ready to have your sense of personal responsibility shaken.

In her kind, gentle way Kim rearranges Jackie’s thinking on everything from epigenetics to the science of “flow”.

Be prepared to take notes and get ready to apply what you’re going to hear.

In each episode, you’re invited to unplug from the world and plug into Your Brain ON Positive.

About the Guest:

Kim Serafini is the creator of Positive Prime. She’s a much-loved executive coach & business advisor. And she’s the inventor of Lithos Therapy, a bestselling author, world-class keynote speaker, and angel investor. Being its Founder and CEO of the health & edu-tech company, she’s leading new trends in health and wellness, self-care and technological solutions, products, and services. Her experience has led her to be one of the world’s leaders in the Science of Positive Priming. This is incredibly important for accelerated learning & development. Plus, it helps with peak performance, engagement, improved mental health, resilience, innovation, and creativity.  Devoted to helping others make significant, long-lasting, rapid & successful changes she is committed to continually innovating and leading with advanced technologies. Her career and business pursuits have involved filming interviews with many of the world’s highest-profile business leaders, acclaimed scientists, and the most famous self-help gurus to confirm the right approaches, models, methods, and techniques to employ towards personal and professional transformation. The synthesis of which is Positive Prime. Kim has lived and worked in over 5 regions of the world including the UK, Europe, USA, Australia & Asia. She has enthusiastically visited 22 countries and many U.S. states. She LOVES traveling, exploring new cultures and ideas while affectionately sharing her philosophy of positivity… living up to her title of The Queen of Gratitude.

Learn more about Kim and Positive Prime at:


About Jackie:

Jackie Simmons writes and speaks on the leading-edge thinking around mindset, money, and the neuroscience that drives success.

Jackie believes it’s our ability to remain calm and focused in the face of change and chaos that sets us apart as leaders. Today, we’re dealing with more change and chaos than any other generation.

It’s taking a toll and Jackie’s not willing for us to pay it any longer.

Jackie uses the lessons learned from her own and her clients’ success stories to create programs that help you build the twin muscles of emotional resilience and emotional intelligence so that your positivity shines like a beacon, reminding the world that it’s safe to stay optimistic.

TEDx Speaker, Multiple International Best-selling Author, Mother to Three Girls, Grandmother to Four Boys, and Partner to the Bravest, Most Loyal Man in the World.




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Jackie Simmons:

Welcome back to Your Brain on Positive. All the love and support you need is residing inside of you. And we're going to make it easier to turn it off.

Jackie Simmons:

There are moments in time that you know change your life. And the moment that changed my life to the positive that I can track everything back to over the last year and a half, almost two years now is the moment that I met Kim Serafini. So I'm delighted Kim sarafine is the creator of the positive prime software that you'll hear a lot about my story about anyway as we talk about it. And she's the impetus the the founder of a movement to bring more positivity into the world and more prosperity onto the planet that I am very much interested in learning more about. So as I learn more about it, you're gonna learn more about it. So help me welcome Kim sarafine. Kim, I am excited. How are you?

Kim Serafini:

I'm so very well. Thank you, Jackie. Hello, everyone. It's such an honor, privilege and pleasure to be here. I hope that you're feeling fabulous. And if not that we just slowly but surely move along the continuum so that you feel at least a little bit better in the space of the next couple of minutes.

Jackie Simmons:

A couple of minutes. While I know how this works in your world. Kim, for people who do not already know your story, they don't know about the platform that you've created, or anything that you've been up to. Okay, let's take the Wayback Machine and introduce yourself with your story of where did you what was happening that you needed to get your brain on positive?

Kim Serafini:

Oh, that's a fascinating question, Jackie. If I'm honest, and I dive really deep into the reflection, I think I was always a relatively anxious or stressed child. I would say, you know, way back to when I was little, I think I was biting my fingernails. I'm pretty sure I was wetting the bed. And there would have been 101 reasons why I today don't really excavate so much. Because I now know. You don't bandaid. You simply Ctrl F and replace. Are they first had this insight way back. It has to be nearly 20 years ago, but it wasn't. It wasn't really a divine inspiration necessarily. It was probably a culmination and a synthesized ation of lots of different concepts I had come across over the previous let's just say decade. I was first introduced to Anthony Robbins cassette programs.

Jackie Simmons:

dealt with love Tony Robbins consents, I'm sure they're active listeners, who will also have had a few float through there.

Kim Serafini:

And you know, you can hear I've got an Australian accent. So yes, I'm an Aussie. And I live down under but I did actually live and work in both the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Early on in my corporate career. So I went to business school, I graduated, I had very ambitious dreams, I was driven. I was particularly enamored with the kinds of movies that would have been anything that made it look like Manhattan was where it was at or Hong Kong even. So 30 years ago. What actually happened was I was working for a public relations firm. And they subcontract me to one of their clients for an employee communications program. And it happened to be an industrial manufacturing site. Back then it was called TR W and they they actually did steering and suspension systems was an American company and they had sent an American C sweeter over to Australia, no doubt, because back in those days, maybe it was that Australia wasn't as progressive or innovative or ahead of the game and lagged behind management theory and in the United States of America. That's not the case these days, but it certainly was them. And he introduced me to those preset programs. I believe it's because he actually saw that I wanted to be successful. I'll tell you something really interesting. And this is not a slight on Anthony Robbins. Tony Robbins but what happened in the process of me going to the date with destiny program the Unleash the Power Within weekends, the Life Mastery university program, and then many others over the space of the next 10 years, was I ended up feeling worse about myself not better, because I couldn't actually live up to my own expectations of these very grand ideals that I had of myself. And I felt like I lacked the discipline and the willpower. It was like Anthony Robbins had set this bar or this standard of excellence that was really high, and I just couldn't match it. What was even more interesting was that I would make these declarations or commitments to myself in those motivational seminars, and oh, yes, I was going to change my life. And then I basically didn't follow through, or I didn't follow up and

Jackie Simmons:

I fell flat. You know, that's like the normal experience, because we get back into our normal environment. And our normal environment is full of crabs, they're full of the people who with all love and dedication to us want to pull us back into the safety zone, because it's scary out there for them, because they haven't been to the seminars, and they haven't learned these things. And because that was our norm. Yeah, it's easy to fall back into the old pattern.

Kim Serafini:

So the reality is, is that I am actually the kind of person who probably had a lot of the goodness from the Anthony Robbins events and that content actually seep into myself. And so I was bathing in this. Goodness. What what happened, I believe, is that I actually had to figure out a way to apply what it is that I knew. And that is actually what positive prime is, and I have spent now the last at least the last decade, coaching guiding mentoring. People use a lot of people to break through their own limitations and their own barriers and their own feelings of worthlessness or undeserved kindness or there's 1000 other labels, we can apply to those types of feelings. But I needed something, I needed something and I imagined that lots of other people did as well. That didn't have you dwell and incubate in the navel gazing of what's wrong with you and why. No, no, no, we needed a shortcut to rapid transformation. Since then, I've you know, met up with people like Mary Sapir, my beautiful friend who actually has a brand called rapid transformation therapy, Jackie Simmons as well. Lion Goodman as well. I've become friends with people like Jack Canfield. I was about applying what I was learning out of Jack's book, the success principles, for real, with real people with real lives who have real opportunities in front of them, and also real challenges real life. And so for me, the guard stick now is doesn't actually work for normal average people who want to actually enjoy the existence of living, right without thinking they have to get a Nobel Peace Prize, or without thinking they have to do something ridiculously majestic in order to be worthy and deserving of feeling at peace. Like they actually mean something. I mean, something. And I want for everybody else, including you to know that you mean, more than you can imagine to others. There's a lot of work around our legacy and what we're doing around leaving the world a brighter and better place. You being the most beautiful, kind, compassionate, gentle version of yourself, is that because who you will be like that is actually the memory that people will have. It's the ripple effect you will have created and that will bring about peace on the planet.

Jackie Simmons:

Thank you. Lovely sentiment. The gentle, kind, generous version of yourself will actually leave a lasting imprint on other people. It's a concept that we don't often hear about, other than in the generic, you know, Maya Angelou said people will forget your name, but they will always remember how you made them feel. This is about making that intentional feeling of gentle kind and generous love that.

Kim Serafini:

Do you know I actually would love for all of you to ask yourself when you bring somebody and they see your name or phone number come up on the ID on a iPhone for example. Do they actually think think Oh, yes. And answer with glee because they're so cheerful they get to talk to you? Or do they think I've far out? No, I don't want to actually speak to this person, because they complain, because they bring me down, because they criticize, because they're a pain in the neck, because they're always grumbling. You actually do know who you are,

Jackie Simmons:

right? Oh, there's one in every room. And I'm sure that they know who they are. Yeah. And we all I think have tendencies to fall into that at some point in our lives.

Kim Serafini:

Ah, and there's the point of Jackie. So all of us have a shadow, we all have an angry side to us. We all have a, you know, less than admirable, less than respectful side of ourselves, right. And so I believe that the intervention that I created, it literally shifts you from, I can't use that word, can I see you from less than two more than in the space of three minutes. And that's been scientifically proven, it actually literally changes your brain dynamics and drops you into a synchronisation of what they call alpha and theta frequencies are ways that actually allows your brain to be in a state of flow. When you are in a state of flow, your thinking and feeling can actually reach for a better place, right. And so that gives you the opportunity to actually have a little bit of a reset. And sometimes it's that moment, it's like milliseconds, where you can pause and think about how you will respond rather than react to something. You can't do that if your brain, as Jackie Simon Says, or our friend Sean Aiko says isn't on positive. And so here's the crazy thing. Not all of us wake up on the best side of bed and put our feet down on the floor and think, Oh, yes. No, no, some of us think, Oh, good, Lord, let's throw another day die.

Jackie Simmons:

That's why the snooze button was invented, right?

Kim Serafini:

Oh, yeah, that's a dangerous one, we shouldn't go there. So, you know, you hear all of these great gurus. And they say, Oh, you want to bounce out of bed and you want to feel like you can jump for joy and race out into your day. And you know what, I used to feel bad about myself, because that wasn't me for the majority of time. And then I was frustrated with me. And then I was angry with me. And none of that serves me or you. Right? So positive prime is really a very sophisticated neuroscience based, because of course, I'd have spent the last 10 years really studying what it is that we talk about in terms of Mind Science, like our mind and our thinking, and how our thinking actually creates feelings, because our thinking actually sends communication messages via our nerves, to our guts, how we actually create a chemical cocktail inside our bodies, that is an emotion or a feeling based upon our thinking. So that's really mind science. And then, how is that unique or differentiated from pure brain science? And is it really that the brain receives the message from your heart and your guts? And vice versa? Or is it your mind? Or is it actually a beautiful symphony, a dance between it all, and they actually can't be pulled apart? They're one in the same conclusion that it's a wholesome, it's a it's an integrated, it's not an either, or, it's definitely an ENT.

Jackie Simmons:

That's a lovely way of putting it, the idea that we cannot be pulled apart into our parts, not when we're talking about physically, you know, that you can't be what is the old phrase, you can't be just a little bit pregnant. I mean, what something that impacts one part of the body impacts the whole body. And the understanding that it's not just something that's physical, it also involves the mind it also involves the emotions. We're not pieces. We are a whole. And that's

Kim Serafini:

interesting. Okay, so Jackie, you you an idea. So for those of you who are listening, you're probably pretty similar to us, because otherwise you wouldn't be drawn to this conversation. You will have dived or delved into quantum physics as well. And so what we now know is that there is a field in psychology, certainly in brain science, epigenetics, it's the way the environment actually impacts the expression of our genes. And how most of As have certain genes that some of us have those genes turned off, and some of them never get turned on. And some of us have genes that get turned on. And so I now understand that when we are positive, or in particular if I take personal responsibility for my positivity, right, my optimism, my effervescence, my enthusiasm, my peacefulness, what happens is, is that I am of a vibration that does create the ripple effect that does impact people around me. And one of my great friends, Dr. Paul Schiele. He says, For 11 Miles, who I'm being impacts everybody else in that environment is just a headspin, isn't it? It's like, Whoa, that responsibility?

Jackie Simmons:

Well, that flies in the face of commonly held beliefs about resonance, and how we can build resonance within only a certain area geographic area, the idea that resonance occurs in an 11 mile radius. Neil, that's 22 miles across for those of you who like me, yeah, geography, geometry challenges. So 22 miles across, that is a lot of

Kim Serafini:

influence side to side Diag.

Jackie Simmons:

I mean, it's like, okay, I don't know how many people live in that I live in Sarasota, Florida. So there's a lot of people in that space around me. And the idea is that I am impacting them. I, the difference between I am impacting them, and I feel responsible for them is the whole realm of training that we do on other people's stories and how not to let them impact you. So we won't tackle that elephant, try to tame it today. Well, let's go there and go wait a minute. What if you intentionally impact that sphere of influence? Positively? If you're intentional about having a positive impact, what have you seen change, since you started getting an understanding of the sphere, the literal sphere of influence that you have, that each of us has,

Kim Serafini:

I think that there's just a little bit more thoughtfulness, a little bit more consideration, there's a little bit more tempering. I am accountable for the kinds of actions that allow me to balance myself out and sent to myself, that could be as simple as drinking a pure glass of filtered water, my hydration matters to my brain, it could also be as simple as walking outside, on a beautiful, bright sunny day, putting my face to the blue sky and feeling the warmth of the day and allowing that in, it doesn't have to be grand, it can be very tiny, simple little things. All of those little tiny, simple things add up that is a compound interest impact to every tiny little thing that we do. It's as simple as I have actually learned to say to my other half, May I May I please have a hug. Now we know that a certain number of seconds, actually increases the potential for the amount of oxytocin that's created in my body. And so I don't want to, you know, instancia hug with a tap on the back. My other half now knows that when I asked that what I'm really asking for is for my nervous system to be calm down. And that happens much more regularly in our home then, say, even 10 years ago. But interestingly enough, I never did that. Whenever I was my 20s or 30s. Never. It didn't even occur to me. I didn't know, right?

Jackie Simmons:

Know, the science of hugging back back well,

Kim Serafini:

and even when I did, Jackie, I'm sure for everybody who's listening, you know, something, but you don't apply it. It's all of us. Right. And so I'm really now about let's not intellectualize these concepts. I'm the classic example of somebody who did. Oh, I knew about the science of gratitude. Oh, I could say that I wrote in my gratitude journal, but whether I felt a profound intense appreciation as an emotion that I allowed to flood my biochemistry now that was a different thing. And so people used to say to me, and I'm a, you know, really smart, cerebral kind of human being King, Kim, you need to drop out of your head and into your heart. And I would look at them like dazed and confused, like what the heck you're talking about. I almost found it offensive. And yet, now many years down the track, along this little journey, I know exactly what they mean. And now I can also identify from a mile away somebody who's in their head and not actually like in their heart, they're just not anchored in their body and therefore, not even able to anchor into Mother Earth either. And so all of this, you hear, go out and spend time in nature, well, that does you no good if you spend your whole time completely obsessed with what's worrying you out there in the future. And you're not even present to being literally solid in your body in the experience of your physicality and feeling what it is that you feel under the soles of your feet. Right?

Jackie Simmons:

You're right, it's absolutely true that most of my life, I lived sort of from the neck up. And even though I'm a stress management consultant, and have been for decades, during most of that career, I absolutely confused the energy workers, the acupuncturist, even the massage therapists who worked with me, because they would ask me questions about my body, and is this enough pressure or whatever? And I was like, No, I don't know, you're the expert. And they couldn't figure out why somebody who did what I did for a living could be so disconnected. And now I get it, it's if you don't have the experience of it, you don't know that you're missing the experience of it. So I thought I was connected. But it was just a thought,

Kim Serafini:

hey, Jackie, connection is such an interesting concept even about this living miles across the sphere. So when we are into ourselves, the navel gazing, the, I'm going to pursue all these spiritual practices. And actually, really, it's a spiritual bypass or not a spiritual expansion, or we won't go there today, either. The funny thing is, is that most people actually don't even have an awareness how disconnected they are to the quantum field, right, or, indeed the universe or to the divine energy that's around them. There are so many people who, and certainly Western societies more like this, and definitely the 80s and 90s. And what society held as sacred cows didn't help any of us to understand that we are not islands, you and I are actually connected. For some people, it's too far along the spectrum to actually go we are all one. Some of us were really into consciousness work, have had glimpses, if not entire, embodied experiences of we are all one. But that's actually not usually an experience of beingness that most people carry around with them. 24/7 It's like they dip in and dip out or they fall in or they fall out of that resonance. But you are connected to each other. But you're actually also connected like the butterfly wings, you know, or like, sometimes what will happen is, I'll see a news story, there was actually a volcano that exploded an earthquake in New Zealand. And it created a tsunami wave that was felt in Alaska, and also in Australia. And when I see those kinds of stories, it's like, I now have that, oh, that's a reminder that what happened a long, long, long, long, long, long, long way away, even though I think it doesn't actually impact my life doesn't date.

Jackie Simmons:

And it does, whether it's a long way away physically, or whether it's a long way away on a timeline. The reality is, it's still in the quantum field, at least that's been my experience, once I started becoming a little more conscious of the fact that there was a quantum field. So everyone is invited to come on this journey with you a little faster. And I want to talk about the influence that you are now having, not just in the positive psychology space, but in the social good realm. Because for every bit anybody listening to this, at some point, they've come across the fact in my bio, where in our conversation, that I'm part of the teen suicide prevention society and that whole movement, and as the director of a nonprofit, I'm very much aware that anyone who's looking to support doing good in the world is raising the positivity of every brain they come in contact with, which is of course, the whole point of the show. So what are you doing now? That is raising the positivity of the world?

Kim Serafini:

Look, Jackie, it actually, it's such a huge question with such a varied answer. And it could take me a day or a month or a year to answer it. It starts with having a greater number of people positive reprime themselves. So we've actually just finished them Research at the University of Technology, Sydney, which is the equivalent of say, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT in the United States, if you want a comparison, and that has actually proven that viewing a positive prime session actually has a causal impact, changing your brain. Right? So there are other things that change your brain rapidly, like eating sugar, right, that's actually been scientifically proven to also change your brain. The reality is, is that that's not very healthy. That's actually

Jackie Simmons:

rapidly change your brain. And it could certainly feel good if you want to shift your mood quickly. But uh, you're right, if I'm not very healthy,

Kim Serafini:

there's a toxicity and there's a inflammation outcome. So the consequences and implication of that is not great. So watching a positive prime session actually changes you more rapidly inside three minutes, that's been scientifically proven. And the consequences and implications of that are actually really very healthy for you. Because the way that your brain operates when it's in flow, means that you actually have much better systemic changes inside your body, it's good for your heart, it's good for your digestion, it's good for the people around you. We do know for a fact that the more positive you are, as Sean Akers research indicates, the more productive you are, the more creative you are the better quality decisions you can make. They actually had me you, Jackie, in Florida, they had a whole heap of doctors of Kaiser Permanente hospital, positively primed. And again, case studies, and they came to accurate diagnosis faster, they then took a set of people and put them through negative priming, and they did not come to an accurate diagnosis. Right,

Jackie Simmons:

it's really amazing to understand is actually incredibly scary, that's really scary. So and a doctor coming up to work in a bad mood, could be a problem waiting to happen.

Kim Serafini:

Correct. Now, I'm going to say exactly the same thing, because Shawn also did some research with the Ritz Carlton hotels, and so forth. So people who are positively primed don't necessarily know the impact they're having on guests. But guests who came in contact with people who were positive when they weren't told, by the way, actually scored the hotel higher on all of the customer satisfaction questions. And so the implications are far reaching their wide. It's amazing what happens when your brain is on positive. So I would invite those of you who are listening, do yourself a favor, literally sign up to become a subscriber of positive prime, it's one of the best ways that you can spend your precious money. And I know that all of us have money that's very precious. So we really respect that. But this is actually really good for you. And, interestingly enough, I wanted to make it a completely easy decision by having a sharing model. So you can invite for other people, friends, family, or clients to actually join in on your subscription. So it's effectively like one subscription is offered to five people. So that's 1/5 of the cost per person. I do believe that that's phenomenal. I believe that's very generous. But it is actually my intention. And why? Because we need the world to be positively primed, oh, we cannot tackle the world's problems. Unless we are all positively primed. We can't come to elegant solutions. We can't apply them, we can't get the impetus, the momentum that's necessary to actually bring about the kinds of huge changes we need to society to the world that we live in to industries to countries. I mean, seriously, the world needs to be positively prime. And so you know, that really is the simplest, easiest thing for you to do. It is enjoyable, and it only takes three minutes a day. And you can do it several times a day if you like. Interestingly enough, we are going through our own transformation inside positive priming. So depending upon when you're listening to this, you will join and may even find that you're given a whole heap of rewards. If you've already joined, you'll actually be given more awards sooner rather than later. So you're lucky if you've already joined. Or if you're just about to join, you can consider yourself extremely lucky, because you will be considered a very early bird, and you'll get lots of extra bonuses. Interestingly enough, we now know that in order for people to run an extra mile to go, the distance rewards are actually really important. And so we've integrated that into our platform. And I just I love the fact that we're actually doing even more to to incentivize everybody to do good, be good, and then enjoy the good, right?

Jackie Simmons:

I think that is absolutely a brilliant thing. And you know, I, whatever you do, I tend to emulate. And so people in my world are starting to get this buzz that we are going to be doing the reward system within our own program. Because why not? Why not turn your brain on the positive, why not use your brain, why not motivate your neighbors, your friends, your family, your team, the way that the brain is actually designed to be motivated. I've thought with all of the things I had learned about team dynamics. And it wasn't until I understood that, all I have to do is get them in a good mood, tell them a good story to get the journey started. And all of a sudden, we can build momentum in the direction of our dreams. And that's so simple compared to every other theory and every other practice I have been given. So and this makes it super simple and super fast, which I absolutely love. Kim, I really appreciate all of your time, all of your expertise, everything that you bring to the party. And we will continue this conversation because as you unroll and unpack what impact this new reward system built within the positivity community built within positive prime, what that starts to happen with people's brains, I'm gonna want to have you back because we want to make sure that everyone listening who's interested in getting their brain on positive has access to the latest information on the topic. So Chroma she'll come back?

Kim Serafini:

Absolutely, it would be great. If you'll have me, I hope that it's been worthwhile, let us know, please do. I'm pretty approachable. So I'm happy to hear any feedback. Any suggestions, I do know you will enjoy positive prime. There are 10s of 1000s of subscribers. And by extension, that means there's hundreds of 1000s of people who've been exposed positive prime sessions, that people sharing their accounts. We also do lots of work in the corporate world. And we do lots of work in the business world as well, and with trainers and therapists and all sorts of other thought leaders outside of our platform. And so our technology is leveraged far and wide these days. It's it's critical. There is nothing else on the planet like it either, by the way.

Jackie Simmons:

Well, I will vouch that I never found anything like it. And I had been in this stress management soup for over three decades. And I'm grateful that I found it when I did, and that it's become a part of my life. And now thanks to you, I've got introduced to the work of Sean Aker and it is Shaun Baker who actually influenced the entire building out of this podcast. So you when you talk about the butterfly wing, we don't know who we're going to influence. So now I'm actually I've got somebody looking into how do I get to Sean agar so I can interview him on this show. So we'll we'll be having those conversations. And in the meantime, the links for everything that you want to know are in the chat. This is a combination great partnership with you, Kim, and I just can't thank you enough for your support of my mission in the world and your support of my brain. Because certainly in the last year and a half my brain on positive I had been way more productive. And that is what we wish for everyone

Kim Serafini:

would agree with you more. Thank you, Jackie.