Sept. 6, 2022

You’ll Always be Human and That’s OK | UA82

You’ll Always be Human and That’s OK | UA82

Part of being human is having a brain that predisposes you to negative thinking. No matter how much self development you do, that’s always going to be the case. The negative chatter in your brain will still be there. That’s because your negativity is there for a reason – to help you survive. It also gives you the impetus to grow and evolve.

Which leads us to question the point of continuing your self development journey and hiring a coach, if you’re going to end up feeling shitty at the end of the day anyway.

This episode explains why you can still benefit enormously from hiring a coach and provides food for thought if you’ve never been coached before. I share a bit more information about the Magic Room Experience group coaching program, which starts next month.


You’re officially invited to apply for The Magic Room Experience, a group coaching experience from October to February where you’ll learn how to bust through the BS in your mind, discover your inner knowing, and live more expansively.

By the end of the Magic Room Experience, your life will feel richer, more expansive and full of possibility, and you’ll be actively creating the life you want. For more details or to apply for the Magic Room Experience, send me an email request with “I’d like more information about the Magic Room Experience” in the subject line to

I’d love to meet you live. Join me for soul-connected, nature and creative experiences at my gorgeous acreage and studio in Prince Edward County. You can find a calendar with my workshops at Or you can go to and subscribe for my newsletter so you don’t miss any announcements.

For other creatively expansive ideas, follow me on Instagram @gracedcanvascoaching, Facebook (friend me, or LinkedIn (


This podcast is my way to share my best advice for free. If you’ve found this episode useful, please give back by reviewing and rating the podcast, or by sharing a link to the podcast with a friend, family member or colleague. Either action will help me reach more people who’d benefit from the shifts in thinking I offer.

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I’m a former international tax lawyer and senior partner of Ernst & Young in Toronto, where I serviced banks and other large multinationals and led a large group of professionals.

My life expanded when I left the law in 2014 to learn how to paint, something I’d always dreamt of doing, but had no reason to believe was possible for me. After a couple years of painting and selling my work, I became passionate about helping other people who yearn to feel more personally fulfilled, invigorated and soul connected in their lives every day, and I became certified as a life coach.

I now spend my time painting, coaching, and creating live events at GRACE Studio (more formally, the “George Russell Academy of Creative Expansion”) in beautiful Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada. And, of course, producing this podcast for you.