March 22, 2022

Going Around the Corner | UA58

Going Around the Corner | UA58

In this episode, you’ll learn one way of creating peak experiences – experiences where you feel intensely connected to life, you forget your troubles, and your sense of time, space and self collapse.

Don’t get trapped by your routines. In this episode I show you why it’s important to walk around a new “corner” and explore. Exploration will waken your five senses, trigger your curiosity and engagement, create an opening for new ideas, and help you feel more alive.

The smallest changes to your routine will cause peak experiences to become a more regular occurrence in your life. Not only will you enjoy the journey more, but you’ll find yourself heading in a more fulfilling direction. Make sure to join me today to learn exactly how to do this.

Tune in to learn how switching up the small things you do will get you unstuck and open you to a world of possibility.


If you’d like help to move forward and learn how to apply what I teach in this podcast to your specific circumstances, schedule a free call with me by going to: https://gracedcanvascom/work-with-me. I’ll show you how to think about your specific issues in a way that feels safer, more doable, more expansive and easier. You’ll leave the call with a much better sense of what to do next.

To hear more from me, go to my website at or check out my posts on Instagram @gracedcanvascoaching, on Facebook under Graced Canvas, and LinkedIn under HYPERLINK ""e HYPERLINK ""atherkerr/.

You can also visit me at GRACE Studio to see my artwork or attend one of my workshops at 500 County Rd 18, Cherry Valley, Ontario, Canada K0K 1P0.

If there’s a topic you’d be interested to hear me cover in a future episode, send an email to


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I’m a former international tax lawyer and former senior partner of Ernst & Young. I left the law in 2014 to learn how to paint. After a couple years painting and selling my work, I became passionate about helping other people who feel stuck in their careers and lives and want to feel more personally fulfilled, invigorated and soul connected. I now spend my time painting, coaching, and creating live events at GRACE Studio (more formally, the “George Russell Academy of Creative Expansion”) in beautiful Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada.