Feb. 1, 2022

Failure Trauma | UA51

Failure Trauma | UA51

“Failure trauma” happens when life teaches you that failing – EVER - simply isn't acceptable. When you become afraid that failing at anything could cause you to become socially ostracized, lose your job, bankrupt your business, or hurt a client or patient.

When your brushes with failure lead to adverse reactions and important, negative consequences, your nervous system will start to overreact. It will constantly fire up with the fear that you might get it wrong. It will be on watch for danger as it tries to protect you. You will become constantly vigilant in a desperate effort to avoid a catastrophe.

There are all kinds of circumstances where it does make sense to be cautious and careful. But when you become obsessed with not failing, your fear of failure no longer protects you. It causes you to hold back, not try, be less creative, less engaged and less fulfilled.

In this episode I explain why the most successful people in business, and the people who advance most quickly in their careers, understand that failure is part of the journey.

It's a huge relief when you realize that failure can often be a good thing. In fact, failure can be your biggest teacher, help you connect better with other people, and take you closer to your dreams.


If you’d like to dive more deeply into the work I talk about in my podcast and see actual results in your life, I welcome you to book your free coaching consultation call: https://gracedcanvascom/work-with-me. When we coach together, I’ll help you expand your definition of what’s possible in your career, understand what’s been holding you back from the life and career you want, teach you how to access higher quality thoughts, and show you how to welcome more magic into your life. Your life and career will look completely different in just six months.

I’m a career coach unlike most. As a former international tax lawyer and partner of Ernst & Young, I’ve been where you are and understand the issues you’re facing. As an artist I know how to connect you with creative inspiration and expand your world.

To learn more about my coaching and how it could help you resolve your issues and move in the direction you want, book your free call at https://gracedcanvas.com/work-with-me/.

You can hear more of my ideas by following my posts on Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn or subscribing to my Creative Expansion newsletter:

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/heatherkerr/,

Instagram: www.instagram.com/gracedcanvascoaching/

Facebook: www.facebook.com/heatherirenekerr (or friend me for a more personal connection at https://www.facebook.com/heather.kerr.9461/)

Newsletter: Click on the subscription button at www.gracedcanvas.com/podcast.

You can also visit me at GRACE (the George Russell Academy of Creative Expansion) to see my artwork or attend one of my workshops or retreats on my acreage in Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada. Email me at heather@gracedcanvas.com if you’d like to learn more.

Write to me at heather@gracedcanvas.com if there’s a topic you’d like me to cover in a future podcast episode.


Thanks so much for listening to my podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and you want to hear more, subscribe for The Unlikely Artist on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher, follow it on Spotify, or on your favorite podcast platform, or go to my website: www.gracedcanvas.com/podcast.

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I’m a former international tax lawyer and senior partner with Ernst & Young. I left the law in 2014 to learn how to paint. After a couple years painting and selling my work, I became passionate about helping other people who feel stuck in their careers and lives and want to feel more personally fulfilled, invigorated and soul connected. I now spend my time painting, coaching, and creating live events at the George Russell Academy of Creative Expansion in beautiful Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada (PS called “GRACE” – one of my favourite words!)