July 13, 2021

Allowing the Mean Voices | UA22

Allowing the Mean Voices | UA22

If you think some part of you is wrong, you’ll find comfort in this episode.

We all have a tendency to want to fight off our inner critic, but it doesn’t work. “Piling on” by criticizing our own inner critic only makes things worse.

In this episode, I propose a different approach that involves self compassion and deep listening. When you step off the treadmill of personal perfection and allow all the pieces of you to exist, you’ll free yourself to feel better and you’ll be more likely to get to a place you actually want to be.

You’re more than just the perfect, pretty parts of you, and that’s a beautiful thing.

In this episode I mention my wonderful peer coach, Terri Bradway. To find out more about Terri and how to contact her, check out her website at https://www.coachbradway.com/.

My mission in this podcast is to help you find the freedom to become who you want. My intention is to fill every episode with useful information you can apply right away to start taking your life in a beautiful, new direction.

If you enjoyed this episode and think of anyone you know who might benefit from hearing it, please share it with them. Let’s create a world where we each get express what’s beautiful and unique in us every day at work.


If you’re loving what you’re hearing on this podcast, check out the other ways you can connect with me:

⦁ Write to me at ⦁ heather@gracedcanvas.com to share your comments and concerns about anything I talk about in this podcast, or to make suggestions about topics you'd like me to cover in a future episode.

⦁ Subscribe to my Creative Expansion Weekly newsletter. You can find a subscription button on my website at https://gracedcanvas.com/podcast.

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⦁ Schedule your free, no obligation coaching consultation call by clicking on this link: https://gracedcanvascalendar.as.me/freestrategysession.

⦁ Connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heatherkerr/, Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gracedcanvascoaching/ or Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heatherirenekerr or

⦁ See my paintings, announcements about live events at The George Russell Academy of Creative Expansion, and other useful information at my website: https://gracedcanvas.com. GRACE is located on my acreage in beautiful Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada.


Thanks so much for listening to my podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and you want to hear more, don’t forget to subscribe for The Unlikely Artist on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher, follow it on Spotify, or check in every Tuesday for a new episode on your favorite podcast platform.

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I’m a former international tax lawyer and senior partner with Ernst & Young. I left the law in 2014 to learn how to paint. After a couple years painting and selling my work, I became passionate about helping other people who feel stuck in their careers and lives and want to feel more personally fulfilled, invigorated and soul connected. I now spend my time painting, coaching, and creating live events at the George Russell Academy of Creative Expansion in beautiful Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada.