Nov. 30, 2022

E335: Make, Multiply, and Manage Money - Steven Pesavento

E335: Make, Multiply, and Manage Money - Steven Pesavento

Too often we look at money from a framework of lack. You have to work hard for it and when you want something it feels like you cannot afford it. 
In this episode, Stephen is going to take you through the 3Ms of money, Make, Multiply and Manage. As you grow to understand what you can achieve in each of these areas, you will gain the knowledge that the sense of lack can become one of abundance with some effort, persistence and investment in yourself. 

Key Takeaways

  1. When the core of your income is  tied to a fixed salary or an hourly rate, then you're working for money. That means the money is not working for you.
  2. When you understand how money moves, and how it's created, then you understand where there is the most value and you're able to solve a problem.
  3. One of the biggest mistakes in multiplying your money is focusing all your effort and energy on doing so but with a very small pot of money.
  4. If everything you're focused on is managing money and you don't know how to multiply it or you don't know how to make it, then you're working with a very limited viewpoint and very limited tools.


Resources Mentioned

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