June 24, 2020

Transforming Your Health and Body | Angelo Poli

Transforming Your Health and Body | Angelo Poli
Todays’ guest, Angelo Poli, has been in the transformational health profession for over two decades. In that time, he and his team have worked with over 20,000 clients, including pro athletes. Angelo shares why every health plan (diet) works for someone, but not everyone. The industry has it wrong when people assume what worked for one person might work for another. You will learn that a personalized approach to your specific situation is the only way to go. To get a complimentary metabolic assessment and consultation as a show listener, go to: www.metpro.co/secretsofsuccess. This is an opportunity to speak with a Metabolic Expert who will review your current habits with you, answer your questions, and will provide you with actionable steps toward achieving your goals. During the show, we discuss the importance of reducing your stress and increasing your wellness. We mention how CRG has a great tool to help you with this, through the Stress Indicator and Health Planner. In this assessment, we help you identify your stress levels in five separate categories. If you have not already done so, take a moment and invest in your health and wellness and complete this assessment. If you want to take yourself to the next level, personally or professionally, consider our Professional Mastery & Assessment Certification workshop. This three-day in-depth experience will transform your life. To find out more, go to: https://www.crgleader.com/certification. Thank you in advance for subscribing, sharing and posting a positive review and/or comment as we expand our impact to encourage and inspire others. Until next time, Keep Living On Purpose! Dr. Ken Keis