Oct. 28, 2020

Think Again: Seven Secrets (Steps) to End Self-Sabotage | Rebecca Mountain

Think Again: Seven Secrets (Steps) to End Self-Sabotage | Rebecca Mountain
Today’s guest, Rebecca Mountain, is author of the best-selling book, "Think Again: My Seven Stage Journey from Self-Sabotage to Success". She shares her personal story from being in an abusive relationship to taking the steps to creating a million-dollar business, but only after a tragic car accident. If you want to change your life, you need to change your story—at least the one in your head. What is your vision for your life, and how do you reprogram your mind to be successful? Learn how in this episode. You can find out more about Rebecca and get a copy of her book on her website: www.rebeccamountain.ca; also remember her special gift at www.rebeccamountian.ca/get-book/. During the show, we discuss the importance of knowing yourself and becoming clear about your vision. However, the first step is to clarify and confirm your own core values so your vision can be aligned with them. To achieve this, CRG encourages you to consider our powerful online course experience so you can live a life with more purpose and passion: What Do You Really Value? (using CRG’s Values Preference Indicator). We take you through a step-by-step process to help you clarify, confirm and then live your values to increase your fulfilment, engagement and success in life. To learn more and register, go to https://crgleader.com/what-do-you-really-value/. If you want to take yourself to the next level, personally or professionally, consider our Professional Mastery & Assessment Certification workshop. This three-day in-depth experience will transform your life. To find out more, go to: https://www.crgleader.com/certification. Thank you in advance for subscribing, sharing and posting a positive review and/or comment as we expand our impact to encourage and inspire others. Until next time, Keep Living On Purpose! Dr. Ken Keis