March 15, 2022

Celebrating 50 Episodes!

Celebrating 50 Episodes!

Today we celebrate our 50th Episode!! Join us as we reflect on the process of recording 50 weekly episodes, what we would do differently, and where we are headed. Enjoy!

Additional Resources/Reading:

●      Sign up for our Love Letters:



On the No Halos Here Podcast, we explore a wide range of topics broadly categorized as well-being. We encourage you to do your own research and make informed choices about your health and wellbeing. The information we provide is never a substitute for qualified advice specific to your individual needs. In listening, you take full responsibility for implementing any suggestions shared on the podcast and you agree to indemnify us completely against all consequences arising directly or indirectly from your choices.


About Jen and Jane

Jen Lang

Jen believes in the power and wisdom of women’s voices. She’s a guide for women who want to tune into and align their inner voice so their outer voice can shine; uniting physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energies into a powerful voice ready to share your message. 

Jane Stark

Passionate about energetic alignment and living life from a place of personal power, Jane is a heart-centered leader, certified health and life coach, and marketing strategist.  She leads others to play bigger and feel lighter by helping them see and navigate their blocks and connect more deeply with themselves.


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Jen Lang:

This is no halos here hosted by Jen Lang and Jane

Jen Lang:

Stark, the place to inspire a change in your consciousness to

Jen Lang:

elevate the world. We're to heart centered business owners

Jen Lang:

nourishing our inner rebels while growing our respective

Jen Lang:


Jane Stark:

No halos here is the result of bringing together an

Jane Stark:

opera singer turn spiritual mentor and a marketing

Jane Stark:

professional turned well being coached to meditate daily.

Jane Stark:

Together, we unite physical, mental, emotional and spiritual

Jane Stark:

energies into a powerful presence to lead, heal and

Jane Stark:

inspire. We love exploring the shadowed edges of life, the

Jane Stark:

universe and beyond through honest and thought provoking

Jane Stark:

conversations. Let's dive in.


Hi, everybody. Welcome to another episode of no Halo


was here. It's our 50th episode. Sure is sure is yeah, sorry.


That was probably really loud. As you can hear, I am releasing


a cold right now. So I'm celebrating that fact that I am


almost pretty much I go off on the road to recovery

Jane Stark:

on the road to recovery. Yeah.


Yeah. It's all good. So today, we thought we would riff


on, like 5050 Episode 50 episodes,

Jane Stark:

or we learned what we're where we're at. We're also

Jane Stark:

launching our very first group program today. So it's a big

Jane Stark:

day. Big day round here, gents. Releasing a cold. Yep, we're,

Jane Stark:

we're on episode 50. And you have your serenity beta round

Jane Stark:

starts this afternoon. Super exciting. Super exciting. So we

Jane Stark:

don't have a big format plant. Who am I kidding? We never have

Jane Stark:

a big structure to our episodes. But yeah, today, we really kind

Jane Stark:

of were like, Let's just, let's just talk about this and do some

Jane Stark:

reflection and ask kind of maybe do a bit of interview style.

Jane Stark:

Questions for each of us. If you hear some rattling My dog is in

Jane Stark:

our office or in my office. So oh, you can hear that. I can

Jane Stark:

hear a little chains clinking. Okay. So 50 episodes in. We

Jane Stark:

launched our podcast in April of 2021. Yep. We have consistently

Jane Stark:

released an episode every week since then. So first of all, I

Jane Stark:

actually just want to pat myself on the back. Maybe you too, I

Jane Stark:

don't know. But for me, that's big. Like, I'm not always the

Jane Stark:

most consistent person. Yeah, we've talked about this. You're

Jane Stark:

not either. So let ourselves on the back here that like we have

Jane Stark:

managed to every week. Get an episode out. We haven't missed a

Jane Stark:



So yeah, like, um, except we did take a purposeful


break over Christmas.

Jane Stark:

Right? We did. Yeah, that was intentional and

Jane Stark:

planned. Yep. Yeah.


But we have, you know, did I well, I can't do it this


week, are we we've shown and also celebrating big shout out


for each other.

Jane Stark:

Yeah, I was just gonna say that. That's, that's

Jane Stark:

been the key as well, that's been beautiful. And this is not

Jane Stark:

to say that people who don't, you know, deliver an episode

Jane Stark:

consistently weekly, there's nothing wrong with that. You do

Jane Stark:

you? I think for us, it was really that was something we set

Jane Stark:

out to do. We really wanted to see if we could make this a

Jane Stark:

consistent practice. And yeah, that's been one of the beauties

Jane Stark:

of it is we've been able to support each other. So there

Jane Stark:

have been weeks where we just, it would didn't work to record

Jane Stark:

together, whether it was holidays, illness, whatever,

Jane Stark:

summer so we've been able to switch each other off. And

Jane Stark:

sometimes you've as you heard, if you listen regularly, you

Jane Stark:

might hear a solo episode from Jen or myself. And that's yeah,

Jane Stark:

we also don't really batch our episodes. No, we don't wait. In

Jane Stark:

the beginning, we were ahead by about three or four episodes,

Jane Stark:

which felt really good. That's kind of fallen off. But we've

Jane Stark:

actually found our rhythm with


under rhythm is showing up. I think and and doing much


more than three or four in advance I don't think is


practical or doable. It doesn't you know, we're we're week ahead


right now. Yeah.

Jane Stark:

So doesn't feel like we're very much about what's in

Jane Stark:

the moment. For us, it feels like it. It flows when we talk

Jane Stark:

about we may talk about like the context of the information we

Jane Stark:

want to share is much for me, I know especially as an

Jane Stark:

experiential person comes out much stronger when I am relating

Jane Stark:

it to the experiences in my life in my world. And I think we've

Jane Stark:

just found that flow, right where it just feels like okay,

Jane Stark:

what's going on right now that we can talk about and bring to

Jane Stark:

the podcast. So yeah, so that's been an interesting learning

Jane Stark:

too, because I think, you know, we we kind of dabbled in this.

Jane Stark:

Do we batch episodes? Do we try and record a whole bunch on one

Jane Stark:

day and have a recording day, and it's just never really

Jane Stark:

flowed for us?


Yeah, we went I think well, that I think part of that


is that 50 episodes of learning what works and feels good and


feels right for us, and also being open to try new things.


So, excuse me one sec, you have to take that over because I'm


about to hop on mute myself.

Jane Stark:

Here's another first what we saying so the learning,

Jane Stark:

the learning piece has been trial and error. And I think

Jane Stark:

that's the other thing we haven't, we've both been very

Jane Stark:

open that this was going to be a trial and error that this was an

Jane Stark:

experiment. I think, another place where we can recognize

Jane Stark:

ourselves is that we have taken the pressure off, which,

Jane Stark:

interestingly, has been a big conversation for both of us in

Jane Stark:

the last couple of weeks and looking where we are putting

Jane Stark:

pressure on ourselves to do things, whether that be in

Jane Stark:

launching, you know, this group program or other things that

Jane Stark:

we're doing in our collaboration together. And oh, it should look

Jane Stark:

like this are all the pressures on to do that. And I know,

Jane Stark:

again, I'm really deconditioning myself from that and looking at

Jane Stark:

where am I putting all this extra pressure on myself to do

Jane Stark:

things. And I'd say that we haven't really done that with

Jane Stark:

the podcast, I've never really felt like we've been under

Jane Stark:

pressure or really made it like, even with the recording every

Jane Stark:

week, it didn't feel like oh my God, there's so much pressure to

Jane Stark:

get another episode recorded. Sure, there were some weeks

Jane Stark:

where we're like, oh, like, like, what are we gonna talk

Jane Stark:

about? We got to get that episode out. But it didn't. It

Jane Stark:

just didn't have that same heaviness. It's felt very

Jane Stark:

organic, which is


felt we Yeah, I think natural and also, giving


ourselves permission to explore this process, in a different way


has also been really beneficial. So I think we've, in addition to


showing up for each other. I've showed up for the podcast, we've


showed up for you, our audience that our listeners, knowing that


there's, you know, all kinds of, you know, nuggets and fun, and


maybe you look forward to having us in your ears each week, we


don't know. But if you do, please tell us because that


might be kind of nice to hear as well, celebrating 50 episodes.


The other thing I wanted to celebrate was, let's see, we've


had I just pulled up our stats, oh, well, I had my coughing


fits. So

Jane Stark:

nothing like multitasking blew


up. And one of the things that we've had, we've had


almost 1800 All Time downloads on these numbers may not be


huge. But for our first 50 episodes with, I'm gonna say


minimal marketing, we really haven't talked about it too



Jane Stark:

No, this is very experimental for us, right? This

Jane Stark:

is very much an organic. Let's try this and see what happens.

Jane Stark:

So we didn't set out for any big specific, audacious number goals

Jane Stark:

or things like that. No. So where are we going with that? So

Jane Stark:

yeah, we've had 1800,


we've had eight, almost 1800 Altarum downloads. Let's


see, in the last 90 days, that's almost 400 downloads. Yeah, so


that's, that's kind of cool. Because that's basically in the


last three months. Almost, let's see 1800 quick math, that's


almost a fifth, almost a fifth just in the last 90 days. So


that's slightly, that's showing improvement, basically, and


showing growth and showing. So I think what I'm trying to say


here is that it all works. And based on this 5050 episode


celebration piece, I say the takeaway is don't be afraid to


experiment, and to take the pressure off yourself and play


with what works

Jane Stark:

and what doesn't work and let it you know, I

Jane Stark:

think it's just as important to look at what doesn't work and

Jane Stark:

what maybe feels like a quote unquote, failure. And learn like

Jane Stark:

it's just, it's all information, right? It's just learning. So

Jane Stark:

it's also interesting, we haven't for a little while, but

Jane Stark:

I think you know, soon you and I will sit down and look at what

Jane Stark:

topics you know what episodes are getting the most downloads

Jane Stark:

and listens and whatnot to, to sort of understand what's

Jane Stark:

resonating and what's not. But we also, again, we set out and

Jane Stark:

as projectors, we're very much in this space of we need to put

Jane Stark:

out what feels good to us. Yeah, in the moment. And I think

Jane Stark:

that's also something that we have intentionally kind of

Jane Stark:

decided that we're going to do like if it doesn't feel good,

Jane Stark:

we're not forcing it.


Yeah. We're gonna be following we're not really trend



Jane Stark:

No, no, that's why our Instagram is spotty and our

Jane Stark:

social we're actually in this right now in this in discussions

Jane Stark:

around like what, what are our marketing tactics or avenues? I

Jane Stark:

don't even like the word tactics, and I'm a marketer, but

Jane Stark:

But what are what are the avenues that feel good for us? I

Jane Stark:

mean, this Morning Jen and I, we kind of set up big blocks of

Jane Stark:

time to co work and record our podcast and do whatever needs to

Jane Stark:

come up. So before hopping on recording this, we were having a

Jane Stark:

conversation about, about some of the marketing. And you know,

Jane Stark:

I asked Jen like, well, what, what are the things that we do

Jane Stark:

that actually feel good while we're doing them? I think that's

Jane Stark:

something that I'm really curious to dive into more and

Jane Stark:

explore. And the podcast was one right, that was one of our top

Jane Stark:

things were like, You know what? I really like recording the

Jane Stark:

podcast. It's fun. It brings, it brings me joy.


I like writing love letters.

Jane Stark:

Yeah. Yeah, that's going that's working really

Jane Stark:

well. And we've been tying the love letters on the podcast a

Jane Stark:

little closer together. Lately, which has felt really good. So,

Jane Stark:

you know, just really throwing up the rulebook is what we're

Jane Stark:



Yeah. I think these times call for stuff like that,


though. Yeah, there's, I mean, projectors are also guides.


Yeah. So we are meant to be throwing out the rulebook in


many ways and fighting. We are the we're at that leading edge


of new ways of interacting and new ways of bringing, sharing


and showing wisdom with, with and to the world. So as we


explore our projectionist for ourselves, we also share that


those aspects with our audience and hope that, you know,


whenever you pick up great, whatever isn't for you right


now. Also great. Yeah, matter. Yeah. Yeah, no, thanks. No


difference. Take what you want from and

Jane Stark:

just knowing and that trusting that the right

Jane Stark:

information will hit the right people at the right time. Yeah,

Jane Stark:

what we share, right, like, and I'm curious. Okay, so one of the

Jane Stark:

questions I wanted to ask you, and you can put this back at me,

Jane Stark:

but is there anything after 50? episodes, what would reflecting

Jane Stark:

back? What would you do differently? If anything?


I think I don't know. It's kind of I think regret is


too strong a word for something like this. Like, there's nothing


I regret, no, yeah, that's folded everything. I think that


trust in that everything unfolded the way it needed to in


that process. I'm really happy that we launched with amplify


you, for example, I think that was such a beautiful choice.


That worked for us. And if you are thinking of launching a


podcast, then definitely talk to Michelle and her team, because


we were so supported all along the way. And we have been


continued to be supported

Jane Stark:

by salutely. That's been Yeah, I'm so glad we made

Jane Stark:

that decision in the early days to hire an editor. And we

Jane Stark:

actually hired AMPLIFi, you and Michelle's team as sort of a

Jane Stark:

podcast coach, so they actually helped us do all of the

Jane Stark:

beginning stuff when you're launching a podcast. As we

Jane Stark:

quickly found out there's a lot more to it than just hopping on

Jane Stark:

Zoom and recording. Right. There's there's all these other

Jane Stark:

elements to get set up to get your podcasts actually up and

Jane Stark:

out there and syndicated? Is that word? Yeah.


I think so. And all that distribution channels.



Jane Stark:

that's what I mean. I feel like syndicated is more

Jane Stark:

of like a radio word anyways. But so we hired them to help us

Jane Stark:

get it out to the world, then we actually because, again, we

Jane Stark:

wanted this to be a very organic process. And we wanted to learn

Jane Stark:

through it. We actually took the editing in house very briefly.

Jane Stark:

And Jen, you took on the actual putting like sound side of it

Jane Stark:

and putting it all together, because you have that skill set.

Jane Stark:

Yeah, we quickly learned that that was not the best, most

Jane Stark:

effective use of our time. So that's another lesson. And maybe

Jane Stark:

a little nugget here is just because you can do something

Jane Stark:

doesn't mean you should do it.


I think that's a good, that's a better way of


describing it. Because again, I don't know if I would have done


anything differently, because I kind of wanted to know how much


time it would take to an energy it would take to process our


podcast. I think, you know, when you have double audio tracks,


it's slightly different. It's not actually that much more


time, it's just a bit a bit more, slightly more complex. But


what we discovered was that the distribution platforms, and the


level of service provided by the by, you know, an editor and


having the editor was far more value than actual the actual


time of editing because it's not just the editing, it's the


distribution is the following up. It's the creation of the


graphics and all those in now you take on the graphics, but


it's also I don't know There's just,

Jane Stark:

yeah, there's been you think of right. So that's

Jane Stark:

been, yeah, that's been worked really well for us.


So love that. You know, like you've mentioned before, I


love that word for starting for serenity today, the same day we


record our 50th episode, I think that's just a beautiful Hallmark


type of type of environment. And maybe you can hear the this


celebration and excitement in definitely in my voice, but


probably in both of our voices. Because it's I think it's just


been an interesting journey these last couple years. A first


of all, the meditation process together when that pandemic


first broke out, and then launching the Podcast, the


podcast, which has now led to our group program, and it's


like, it's roughly around springs. So this is maybe


something to note for us.

Jane Stark:

Right, interesting. So this is the 50s. And this is

Jane Stark:

March 3 today that we're recording this, it's gonna come

Jane Stark:

out on March 15. But we launched it in April. So we're actually

Jane Stark:

coming up on our one year anniversary of actually

Jane Stark:

launching the podcast, actually,


I'm pretty sure that we started that meditation process


on March 15. March 13, or 15th it was that because COVID hit in


March 2020. We had March of that. So I love finding these


little patterns. Uh huh. Like,

Jane Stark:

I just find that really interesting. You're

Jane Stark:

right, essentially saying these things, right. I know, totally

Jane Stark:

nerding out on this pattern and everything. Some people be like,

Jane Stark:

Yeah, okay. It's just coincidence. Oh, no, I'm gonna

Jane Stark:

go with like, no, they sent me do that. It's


a fun. We liked it. We like to see patterns. Yeah.

Jane Stark:

Yeah, that's an interesting observation. So

Jane Stark:

yeah, so coming up on a year since we've launched it. Fear

Jane Stark:

serenity launches. Today, we're going to be running the waitlist

Jane Stark:

for the next round. If your serenity is going to open very

Jane Stark:

soon as well. We're going to just start to run cohorts at

Jane Stark:

this. Yeah. Which also feels really good and fun. But, and I

Jane Stark:

think what you were saying was how Yeah, one thing led to the

Jane Stark:

other led to the other led to the other, our 321. Countdown?

Jane Stark:

Yep. Came in there where we can where we're working two to one.

Jane Stark:

Yes, with clients. And it's all just kind of organically grown.

Jane Stark:

I would have trying these different things and out of I

Jane Stark:

think the the podcast has allowed us to continue to

Jane Stark:

explore topics that we were already sort of exploring

Jane Stark:

offline together. But it's allowed us to bring them to a

Jane Stark:

different platform. And it's also allowed us to it's, or it's

Jane Stark:

encouraged us to carve out I think more time in our actual

Jane Stark:

work days, like if I look at the way this evolved, right? It was

Jane Stark:

all of a sudden, were like, Okay, we need to actually set

Jane Stark:

some time to record. Okay, we actually then also need to set

Jane Stark:

aside some time to discuss what we're going to record and then

Jane Stark:

creating. So we've just been creating more and more time in

Jane Stark:

our schedules to be like, Okay, we need to get together on Zoom

Jane Stark:

and talk about this or that. And that's how these programs came.

Jane Stark:

Yes. Right. It was the conversations were not just

Jane Stark:

Okay, let's it felt like it felt too limiting almost to be like,

Jane Stark:

Okay, well, let's just talk about this on the podcast. And

Jane Stark:

okay, let's record our podcast, there was just this bigger

Jane Stark:

energy, where it's like, oh, my gosh, we need to go ahead. No

Jane Stark:

finish. Go ahead. I


was gonna say like, we need to keep building on the


momentum of that moment. Yeah. I'm gonna mail delivery. It's


the momentum in the moment, I think is one of those things to


follow. And not shutting down that energy. And I think that's


probably been an really interesting way to call it a


lesson. But I really interesting learning from the last year is


we've talked about following the energy before. So as we follow


the energy, that means following the momentum and not shutting it


down. And also, honoring those slow periods, and not trying to


force it. And being aware of when that slow period is, is you


self sabotaging. Or, it's like it's this finely nuanced place


of, of momentum, forward momentum. And also observational


awareness in the moment.

Jane Stark:

And integration, maybe it's the word that's

Jane Stark:

coming to maybe, yeah, like, you know, you get the forward

Jane Stark:

momentum, and then things slow down. And I think we get kind of

Jane Stark:

uncomfortable or dissatisfied. But really, what if that is

Jane Stark:

actually just the time to integrate what you've just grown

Jane Stark:

into. And we have to honor that space in the fact the more we

Jane Stark:

can sit with that and be with that allow the integration to

Jane Stark:

happen, the faster the next burst of momentum comes? Yeah.


Yeah. Oh, that's a nice pattern. So maybe, I think for


our listeners, if you don't necessarily pick attention to


your energy levels. This would be I think, a big takeaway for


both Jada and i is, as we communicate to you, our


listeners, pay attention to your energy levels, you really do and


work with them. Because you'll actually get more out of it.


You'll have deeper restful integration periods, and you


will have more effective momentum and energetic periods.


Mm hmm. That's them. I

Jane Stark:

have a thought and it's not coming out. So. Okay, I

Jane Stark:

was like, I know, I like the gents looking at me. Like you're

Jane Stark:

gonna say something. I'm like, Yeah, I am. It's not for me so

Jane Stark:

fully for like what you shared? Yeah, I mean, I think I don't

Jane Stark:

know if I have much more to say on that. You summed it up

Jane Stark:

nicely. Thank you. So. Okay. 50. So Dan, where do we want to go

Jane Stark:

from here?


Oh, good question. Where do you want to go from


here? Well, we have talked about are we going to say it in


public? I think we shouldn't say in public? should or shouldn't


healthy female relationships. Oh, this direction? Yeah. So


this came out of a podcast conversation we had a couple


weeks ago with Melissa and Catherine from the Yoni codes.


And you'll hear they're actually their guest episode was last


week, both of Yeah, both of us both

Jane Stark:

both of our episodes are would have been released on

Jane Stark:

March 8, International Women's Day. So yeah, it's a we it'll be

Jane Stark:

last week from when you guys hear this.


And so then Jane and I were reflecting on some of the


questions that they'd asked us, and we started looking at, well,


what what makes a healthy female relationship, whether it's in


business, or friendship, or otherwise? And how do we, how do


we not let the wounding or the inherited or the traumas or


whatever, get in the way of what is it like a fantastic


collaborative relationship?

Jane Stark:

Yeah, those were really good conversations. And

Jane Stark:

they was, we didn't It's funny, we, when we were a guest on

Jane Stark:

their, their podcast, we were going to talk about something

Jane Stark:

totally different, not just you and I, like the four of us had

Jane Stark:

kind of talked about, like loosely what we were going to go

Jane Stark:

on and be guests on. And they we hopped on and they're like so we

Jane Stark:

have a thought we have an idea, we'd really like to like Are you

Jane Stark:

are you open to kind of changing it up. And we really want to

Jane Stark:

talk about this, we want to understand more about how you

Jane Stark:

guys operate being asked Jen and I, in what we're doing together,

Jane Stark:

and we were game. And it turned into this really juicy

Jane Stark:

conversation and actually helped Jen and I unpack a little bit

Jane Stark:

more and reflect on our friendship and our collaboration

Jane Stark:

together over the last year in a bit. And so that seems to have

Jane Stark:

opened up something for us where we're really like, quite

Jane Stark:

fascinated by this. And also noticing that their seat like

Jane Stark:

how many I'm calling them like Duo's, with female Duo's, we're

Jane Stark:

seeing in business because yes, and it's Yeah, because it is

Jane Stark:

it's two women coming together, whether it's partnership, like

Jane Stark:

full on going into business together, or doing kind of more

Jane Stark:

what Jen and I are doing, where we're collaborating, we're

Jane Stark:

building this organic, sort of business, but we still each have

Jane Stark:

our own businesses and practices. And there's just

Jane Stark:

something that's really intrigued us around that and

Jane Stark:

how, how we how we operate in those realms. And so that's kind

Jane Stark:

of been what we started unpacking. And I think what

Jane Stark:

we're gonna


do is we're gonna be talking more about this, I


think, in the next definitely in the next 50 episodes,


definitely. Yeah. And it's also, you know, we're gonna have more


guests around that, I think it's important to have these


conversations because as we move through these times of


unplugging from who we all were as humans like and where we're


all headed. Again, this is the protector guiding moment, but


it's kind of letting it's it's not as simple as letting bygones


be bygones as the expression goes, but it's not letting your


wounding getting the weight get in the way of a potentially


amazing and world changing collaborative partnership,


whether it's two people, three people or four people. So yes,


this is doing your own work. And yes, this is working together.


And I think that Jane and I have we live we walk our talk, we


live, we live

Jane Stark:

and that's what we want to unpack because and

Jane Stark:

that's what Melissa and Catherine really dug into is

Jane Stark:

like, how does this look for you guys? What do you do? And that

Jane Stark:

was the reflections where we really had to sit back and we're

Jane Stark:

like, Yeah, we really do walk the walk and we really do our

Jane Stark:

own healing work. And we I mean, we just had we just had a

Jane Stark:

situation yesterday minor. Yeah, but we're in a conversation Jen

Jane Stark:

drops something on me that I wasn't really expecting. And

Jane Stark:

fair, I


did not do it very gracefully. So as I fully take


responsibility for but yeah, it was,

Jane Stark:

but then I had a strong reaction. So and it's

Jane Stark:

it's a small deal. But it's also a small deal because right away

Jane Stark:

like within an hour or two from that happening, I sent Jen a

Jane Stark:

message and just was like, Hey, I just want to clear the air

Jane Stark:

here. I know, I had like, really strong energy around that. And

Jane Stark:

my reaction was really strong. Like, I just need to like, let

Jane Stark:

you know and process kind of what was coming in and defuse

Jane Stark:

it. Yeah. And you know, same thing it was, that's when she

Jane Stark:

wrote back and she's like, totally, I felt it too. And

Jane Stark:

yeah, like, I recognize I kind of dropped a bomb on you. And

Jane Stark:

could have, you know, shared it in a different way. And it's

Jane Stark:

like, awesome, great, we can move on. But in a lot of

Jane Stark:

scenarios, and I've had it in the past too, like where I

Jane Stark:

wouldn't have even spoken up. And it's not that I would have

Jane Stark:

necessarily harbored that as like resentment, it would have

Jane Stark:

turned in something bigger. But it also is those little like

Jane Stark:

death by 1000 cuts, right? When we if we don't clear those

Jane Stark:

things quickly. And in the moment, it they can very easily

Jane Stark:

start to become bigger, because then there's another one and

Jane Stark:

another one and you're holding on to them.


So subconsciously or otherwise, yeah, might your mind


might say, Oh, I've let that go. But then actually inside, that's


why like, we both like, I'm so grateful. You thought you've


asked me before I was gonna box you I'd be like, I totally did


not say that gracefully, or in any clear way at all. It was


like, yeah, it was just like it was my clouded sick mind going.

Jane Stark:

Like, it really wasn't a big deal. But this is

Jane Stark:

where again, like just being able to like be like, oh, yeah,

Jane Stark:

this felt kind of awkward. Yeah, so you're in the air clearing,

Jane Stark:

but it takes it takes doing your own work to do that. It takes

Jane Stark:

really being like, they're not easy conversations to have,

Jane Stark:

whether it's in your own, like intimate relationship or in

Jane Stark:

friendships, or in business relationships, exactly right.

Jane Stark:

And it also takes trust for you like, like, I trust you, I knew

Jane Stark:

that you would be able to hear that. And that you would be able

Jane Stark:

to, like, we could just have that conversation and clear the

Jane Stark:

air. That's another important piece, right? The person that

Jane Stark:

you're sharing with elegant,


I think that's probably another 50 like 50 things to


celebrate is like the as this goes on the level of I'm gonna


say respect and integrity and our collaborative friendship and


partnership, whatever you want to call, it doesn't really


matter. Yeah.

Jane Stark:

And we don't know what we are. But it doesn't

Jane Stark:

really matter. I'm like, do collaboration.


I don't know. It's just whatever, it isn't matter. It is


what it is. It's just a beautiful friendship. And it's


so it's deeper than a beautiful friendship. But I think as we


move into these moments, it allows another level of depth of


integrity to to be within each of us. Yeah. And we know that


strengthens what each of us brings to the world, both


together and separately.

Jane Stark:

Yeah. And also, the I think the last one that maybe

Jane Stark:

I would share, that is how we are starting to find our own

Jane Stark:

roles within what we do. Yeah. And that's been really cool.

Jane Stark:

Right? Like, and finding this, this rhythm of like, okay, well,

Jane Stark:

do we both show up? Like even you know, we're like, in the

Jane Stark:

beginning days of the podcast, it's like, okay, we're doing

Jane Stark:

this together. And I think we even again, it wasn't even a big

Jane Stark:

Convo, but I think there was sort of this like, hey, well,

Jane Stark:

I'm happy to take this as a solo episode, if you're not

Jane Stark:

available. Are you good with that? Right? Because it's like,

Jane Stark:

so is this a podcast? Where we're the co host? And we always

Jane Stark:

show up together? Are we good? With like, yeah, you know, we

Jane Stark:

had to have those discussions. And then and finding those

Jane Stark:

roles, like you've taken on writing our love letters. And in

Jane Stark:

that rhythm, every week, I do our graphics, I do some of the

Jane Stark:

more like, behind the scenes stuff. And so the


design work, so which is not really behind the scenes,


that's the public

Jane Stark:

part. And that part isn't but some of the

Jane Stark:

discussions or the strategizing and the, you know, that stuff.

Jane Stark:

And so yeah, it's been kind of cool to find our way in that and

Jane Stark:

to find, and I think also, helping each of us think more

Jane Stark:

deeply into like the value that we bring to the the relationship

Jane Stark:

or the partnership without having to feel like Oh, is she

Jane Stark:

doing more than me, or is she this or is it okay, if I show up

Jane Stark:

like this


never even occurred to me like, again, I've had those


really open conversations around, like if I do more


videos, for example, which we probably will do in the future.


Like, we'll probably do some together. And I'll probably do


more on my own simply because I'm like, it's a really easy


format for me to communicate. And so, you know, Jane, you've


had that conversation both with me and in your own head is like,


Oh, am I, as equally valuable? If I'm not? Yes. Equally


visible? Yeah. Yeah, that's interesting conversation.


Whereas in business for yourself, like, or you are doing


a collaborative partnership, the division of how you think about


the labor and your perception of it. Yeah. Is Yeah,

Jane Stark:

it's really important, right? Because, and

Jane Stark:

that's been a big learning because exactly that like if one

Jane Stark:

person is more visible, do we need to be equally visible, like

Jane Stark:

all of these things. And really, what I love about the way we're

Jane Stark:

navigating, it is like, what feels good. And I really want

Jane Stark:

to, I really love some of the like, the bigger the strategy

Jane Stark:

and the getting, like some of these pieces together. And Jen's

Jane Stark:

like, awesome. Take that. Like,


I don't just tell him what I have to write. Yeah.

Jane Stark:

Right, tell me what I have to write or where I have

Jane Stark:

to show up. And because you're, we know that your zone of

Jane Stark:

genius. And one of the big things that you want to do is

Jane Stark:

build community and show up and teach and, and these kinds of

Jane Stark:

things. And so I'm and for me, I'm like amazing, do that, like,

Jane Stark:

that's where you shine. So really starting to learn. And

Jane Stark:

this has been a learning, I think, for us through this of

Jane Stark:

what are each of our zones of genius, and how do we support

Jane Stark:

each other in those areas and continue to lift each other

Jane Stark:

more, and make sure that we're not in this space of oh, if

Jane Stark:

one's doing something and the other one has to do it so that

Jane Stark:

we're equal. But that


see that because we've done the work on evac solves and


with ourselves and with each other. Yeah. So anyway. Yeah, I


think this feels like a good place to wrap it up.

Jane Stark:

So right place,


I'm celebrating 50 episodes celebrating. Launch of


fear serenity. Stay tuned if you're interested in more of


your serenity, because there is more coming your way. Yeah,


waitlist coming soon. And next cohort starts again, soon. We


just have to finalize a date and then we'll share it here. If


you're interested in receiving our love letters. Definitely do


sign up on the links below. We'll put that there yet that


will keep you hearing from us each week. It's usually like a


summarized riff on the podcast episode with a few other nuggets


inside. And I don't know if do you have anything else you want


to share? Say? Nope. Amazing. Thank

Jane Stark:

Yes, we did it. Who? Super excited to see where to

Jane Stark:

reflect back. See we're at at 100 episodes. Yeah, because

Jane Stark:

learning continues and sweet, great learning journey,


the process unfolds. Have an amazing day, everybody.

Jane Stark:

We'll see you next week or talk to you next week.

Jane Stark:

Bye. Bye.

Jen Lang:

Thanks for joining us for these conscious combos. If

Jen Lang:

you're ready to dive deeper, head on over to Dr. Jenn and

Jen Lang: to continue the conversation.

Jane Stark:

If you'd love this episode, please take a moment to

Jane Stark:

share with your friends or your network and leave us a review by

Jane Stark:

going to Apple podcasts. Find us on Instagram at we are Jen and

Jane Stark:

Jane and let us know what you enjoy and what you would like to

Jane Stark:

see more of. We'd love to hear from you.