Aug. 29, 2023

Decoding the Whispers of Intuition and Inner Energy with Heather McGuire

Decoding the Whispers of Intuition and Inner Energy with Heather McGuire

Have you ever had that gut feeling, that whispering voice within, guiding you somewhere you just can't explain? We've all experienced it at some point. It's intuition, that unexplainable guide within us. This inner voice often gets drowned in the cacophony of our busy lives and the constant chatter of our minds. Yet, deciphering and trusting this voice can be the key to a more attuned, aware, and insightful life. Today, we welcome our special guest, Heather Maguire, an unconventional intuitive who helps individuals understand and trust their intuition.

Heather shares her unique journey of understanding her gift and how she uses it to guide others. She brilliantly differentiates between fear messages and intuition messages, sharing how to build a relationship with our intuition. Can you imagine how empowering it would be to trust your gut feelings, especially when making crucial decisions, like parenting? Heather helps us understand how to still our minds, tap into our awareness, and honor our bodies' responses to the external world. She emphasizes the power of slowing down and taking care of ourselves, helping us reconnect with our intuition.

The intriguing part of our conversation revolves around intuition experiments. Heather gives us a sneak peek into her upcoming project, the Energy Lab, where she will teach people to experiment with their energy, inviting insights from the universe through open-ended questions. We conclude the episode with a unique meditation designed to face fear and find courage, a truly empowering way to end our conversation.

Listen to this episode if you're curious about understanding and harnessing your intuition for personal growth and decision-making. Let's unlock the door to our untapped intuitive potential together.

About our Guest:

Heather Maguire, the Unconventional Intuitive is uniquely talented in making people feel safe to listen and follow their own intuitive knowing. For more than 15 years she has been gently and compassionately guiding people to a deeper understanding of who they are and what they are capable of creating in their lives.

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Heather Hester:

Welcome back to Just Breathe, I am so happy you are here. I am happy to be here myself. It is for many of us that time of the year, the transitional time of the year when we we get the kids back to school. And even though I have one who has graduated Connor graduated in May, as you all know, and is about college, we got her moved into her college house last weekend, which was oh my goodness, quite an experience. And then Rowan and Grace back into high school this week, and it's still that energetic shift. And the house is so just crazy to me. And in years past, I've really pushed myself through it and, and like just, you know, wanted to be all the things and do all the things and you know, what, what we what we do as moms and as parents, especially this time of year, and although I am incredibly grateful that I have no curriculum nights to go to finally, there's still a lot of stuff. And again, a lot of it is around the energy shift in the house. And I'm telling you, even the dogs feel it, they're totally off. I think a lot of it is, you know, we went from having all of us home, all six of us were here Connor was visiting to now they're just hanging out with me, which you know, they love me, I love them, but they're like what is what is going on. So I think that today's guest is really really great timing because we are talking about your intuition and listening to your inner voice and honoring what is going on inside and really listening to that listening to what you're hearing and tuning into what you're feeling. And all of the things that you can learn from that and do with that. So I am really, really thrilled to bring you Heather McGuire who I met through a coaching group that we are both part of and have just really really enjoyed getting to know her and she speaks the language of things that I am I'm so interested in and want to learn more about. And she just has a really really lovely and interesting journey and, and background to how she got to where she is. She is uniquely talented and making people feel safe to listen and to follow their own intuitive knowing. She has some really really great ways that she either asks questions or brings you through different exercises. But for more than 15 years, she has been gently and compassionately guiding people to a deeper understanding of who they are and what they are capable of creating in their lives. So I am grateful to be able to bring this conversation to you and without further ado, here is Heather McGuire.

Welcome to Just Breathe:

Parenting your LGBTQ Teen, the podcast transforming the conversation around loving and raising an LGBTQ child. My name is Heather Hester and I am so grateful you are here. I want you to take a deep breath. And know that for the time we are together. You are in the safety of the just breathe nests. Whether today's show is an amazing guest or me sharing stories, resources, strategies or lessons I've learned along our journey. I want you to feel like we're just hanging out at a coffee shop having a cozy chat. Most of all, I want you to remember that wherever you are on this journey right now, in this moment in time, you are not alone

Welcome back, everyone to Just Breathe 00:04:38

Parenting your LGBTQ Teen. I am so happy you are all here today. And I am really really happy for you to be here for this conversation with Heather McGuire. This is a different conversation than we've had in recent months and I am really excited Because I know so many of you are going to connect with this and just really learn so much with, from what Heather has to teach us and share with us. So, Hi there, welcome. Thank you for being here.

Heather Maguire:

Thank you so much. I'm so excited to have this conversation.

Heather Hester:

So Heather and I met through a group that we're in together a business group, learning how to be more organized, and intentional, and all these lovely things. And I think it's always fun to how we cross paths and connect all the dots of how we know people. And that's always so fascinating to me. Because I think that a lot of it is we are we are all meant to cross paths in some way. So I'm very delighted. And of course, I'm always delighted to meet somebody who is a heather, because they're, you know, there's not a lot of us out there. So

Heather Maguire:

it's just like mentally rare, rare breed,

Heather Hester:

we are we are. So I would love to know, we'll just kind of start, you know, with really broad and basic, but I'd love to know how you got into this work of working with intuition. And you are the unconventional, intuitive. So I'd love to know more about you know, how you realized that you have this gift and and are doing this work with others.

Heather Maguire:

So people are always curious about that, because, like, how would you land here, right. And the short version of the story is that I realized when my kids were small at school pickup, as I'm trying to make small talk with the other moms that I'm having these conversations that no one else is having. I'm telling people things like, you know, you really have a gift, there's something about you, you're really good in this situation, you make people feel this way, and way too deep for school pickup. Nobody else is talking about this. I'm giving them all these ideas for how businesses they could start and all kinds of things. And I just got curious, what is it that I'm seeing, like what is happening, and somehow that led me to an intuitive development circle, which was a mediumship development circle. And I sat down in that circle, and I was so happy, it was like, I could relax. We just meditated. And you talked about whatever was popping into your mind. And somehow the things that were just appearing in your mind, which seemed like nonsense, or nothing, were meaningful to somebody else in the group. It was just the most spectacular experience. I loved it so much. So I went back every week for about two and a half years.

Heather Hester:

Oh, my goodness, that is awesome. Wow. And I'm sure that you really began to be able to kind of trust what you were hearing more. Right. Exactly.

Heather Maguire:


Heather Hester:

So I'm wondering if you could, because there is that trust factor? And there is that? Like, I know, many people are like, I don't know, is it my intuition? Is it fear? Is it how do I know that it's my intuition speaking to me? And how do I kind of tell the difference between just that noise, right, like the negative self talk, like berating us, right? And, or, or giving negative messages that are fear messages? And our intuition?

Heather Maguire:

It's such a big question. And, and there's two things I'll say, one is, you want to think about your intuition, almost like a bodily function, you're not, it's not that you have intuition. It's a you're intuiting, like, your heart is beating and your lungs are breathing, your body is intuiting. It's happening all the time. And starting to learn how to pay attention to that makes it easier in those crunch times of big decisions when there's a lot of fear. Otherwise, you're going up and you're saying, you know, tell me what I should do and your intuition is speaking a language that you hardly know how to speak. Right? Yes. So beginning to sort of build a relationship, build an understanding, taking time to ask your body questions. And and it really will speak to you you can really ask your body like, you know, what do I want right now and just pay attention to what happens? You know, it's something will occur to you some feeling will happen. So, opening up that dialogue is number one. Number two is even if your intuition is telling you that you should be afraid, or that you should take out and it is going to do it in a way that is not fear mongering, it's not going to tell you, you suck. And that's why you shouldn't do this. That's not the voice of your intuition. Your intuition is a lower, it's in your body, it's in your senses. It's not coming from your mind. The mind chatter that's, that's, you know, the pros and cons, this is how it's going to work. It's a more of a just a present sense in your body a constant sense. And you know, this, if you think about a decision that you've made, that didn't really make sense. Like, I know, I made the most sense to say yes to that job, or to, to go on that trip or do that thing. But something in me just didn't, it didn't sit right with me. And so I didn't do it. That's your intuition.

Heather Hester:

Yeah, oh, my goodness. I mean, I have almost an exact example of that, where I, when I first started tapping into this, and it, you know, kind of coincidentally happened to be at the same time that a lot of the things were happening with Connor. So there was I was getting a lot of information that I wasn't aware, you know, I wasn't sure what it meant, right. But I was feeling and I love that you said that it's you feel it in your body, because that's where I was feeling it. It was like, like, feeling it, you know, in my in my chest, and my stomach and my life, it was just in here, and I couldn't articulate what it was. But I was supposed to go on a 50th Birthday Trip with girlfriends. And I had this just feeling like I was could not go, I was not meant to go and I could not articulate why. And then I certainly know there soon found out why, and with things that were going on with my son, but that was the like, I needed to be here. And my intuition, my body was like, I'm gonna make you feel all kinds of uncomfortable.

Heather Maguire:

That's a perfect example. And it's really easy to get spun out. And to worry like, well, what does this mean? All the things and people think that your intuition should give you this, like full dialogue or set of instructions, really rarely works like that. It's really just this sense of, I need to stay home, I need to not go. Right. And and with your kids, especially, this is really significant. Because there's so much, you know, mom guilt, what will people think all of those things all the time, from breastfeeding, to formula feeding, like every decision as a parent, right? And then you get into some of this bigger stuff. And, and it's even more fraught, and that sort of push and pull between your inside voice and the fearful voice of all the other things? Is this safe for my kid? Will they be okay? You're the voice of your intuition is in your body? Trust that.

Heather Hester:

So how do you really? What can we do to better listen to that voice to really hone or kind of dial into that voice? It's clearly a matter of being more and more aware, but are there things that we can do just so it becomes kind of that, like, almost a conversation? More than like, you know, I kind of liken it to like, at that point, the kind of my first, like, major experience that I really talk about was like I was being hit over the head by the time that I was like, Okay, I'm listening, you know. But, you know, so we don't get to that point. And right, and just because I think there are so many, I'm guessing, messages that we perhaps miss, or I'll let you I'll let you answer that. Because I'm just I'm intrigued. So

Heather Maguire:

it runs counter to our culture and counter to how we're taught to be. It is it is a measure of stillness. And it doesn't mean that you need to become a Zen Buddhist. But it means that you begin to develop an awareness that this thoughts in your head or thoughts in your head, they are not something that need a conversation, need you to judge decide good or bad. They're energetic impulses that are happening that are creating these words inside of your awareness. Right. So developing this sort of gap between who you are and the thoughts in your head and how you're feeling in your body and what that means about who you are, what kind of a parent you are, what kind of a person you are because you That's not the meaning that's not your intuition. That's just, that's just your body reacting to everything around you. And the more you go into this, the more you realize that part of what you're reacting to, is so much more than you. Yesterday, for example, was yet again, another mass shooting. And all day, I had planned this full day. But I was, like, completely out of it exhausted, couldn't put my thoughts together, just felt really slow down. And I said, Okay, so today is just a day, I'm just going to move slow. But it's going to honor that this is how I'm feeling, I'm just going to choose the things that feel the most aligned with this energy. And I'm just going to do those today. And that's going to be that, and then come to find out there was this mass shooting. And this is what happens to me on those days. The energy is so incoherent, scattered, fearful, angry, upset, all the things that my body responds that way. And I guarantee that everyone has some sort of response physiologically to these big occurrences, and there's science that backs it up. And we're not taught that we judge it, what's wrong with me, I'm not sleeping enough, I'm not eating right, I did it to myself again. And then we we lose the whole point of sort of what this is saying. This is saying, You need to slow down, you need to take care.

Heather Hester:

I love that. So it is really I mean, what we're looking at is really disconnected. I mean, and that's just kind of the way that we have been. That's our society that is today's world, right? We all are. And so it's a matter of really reconnecting Mm hmm. And whatever way works for you. Right? Yeah. And I think you know, for many people, even starting with that little whatever it is that you can get yourself still and quiet. Yeah. And that doesn't necessarily mean like, physically still, it could be, you know, whether it's out working in your garden or walking alone or doing something that is, like still, meaning like, away from Mm hmm. Right. Exterior? Is that kind of

Heather Maguire:

baffling. Exactly. And bringing in awareness today, I'm really tired. Today, I'm really frantic. My brain is really just moving so quickly today. And accepting that acknowledging that, okay, because, I mean, that's what I that's what we learned how to practice in that intuitive development circle. what's showing up, that's not going away, share that thing. My first intuitive development circle, I had no idea what that meant. She just said, Okay, we're gonna open up the circle, just share what you're getting. And people were saying all these things, my mind was blown. And I kept having this image in my mind, and it's just your mind's eye. If I say to you imagine an elephant, more than likely some image of an elephant will pop into your head, right? It's like that. It's like you're making it up. And I saw this fireman's helmet hanging on the wall and in a fireman's coat hanging underneath it, and it kept coming into my mind. So I said, Okay, I'm gonna pay attention to that. She said, pay attention to what keeps showing up. Okay, let me pay attention to that. And, and kind of like, I'm redirecting the camera, I'm going back to that. And then I'm waiting to see if there's anything else happen. And when I said in the circle, okay, I've got this fireman's hat and a fireman's coat and a couple of things that had come to me. And this woman in the circle said, Oh, that's my husband. That's my husband. He's a fireman. And he's bald, but I was seeing the back of a head that was bald, he's bald. Oh, yeah. And how is that possible? Was that possible, but that's what's happening all the time. And when you slow down and get still, you record, you start to recognize what's showing up, what's showing up but kind of bubbles up to the surface.

Heather Hester:

And that can be uncomfortable to write, which is why I'm sure we have gotten to the place as humans were. The second anything starts to feel uncomfortable. We either ignore it or like push it away or get busy doing something else or right, like whatever our subconscious coping mechanism is for that. So it's kind of layered.

Heather Maguire:

It is it is and what happens is that we judge it instead of being curious about it and saying, Okay, what could this be because I might be feeling uncomfortable because Something happened at my neighbor's house or, you know, something going on politically, who knows? Who knows what it could be? And it may just pass through. It may be my intuition telling me, you know, something just isn't quite settled somewhere taken, take a closer look somewhere. But because we judge it, there's something wrong with me because I'm feeling bad. Yeah, then we lose track of it.

Heather Hester:

Right? Right. Because that judgment just mucks it all up. Not helpful, not helpful at all. So one of the things and I know we have a mutual friend that we both work with, and she has talked about this a number of times, and I, you talk about it, too, on your your website, and I'm really, really curious about what it is, which are the hearthstone walks, and I have a feeling this kind of works into this whole idea that we're talking about here. So I was wondering if you could tell us a little more about that. Hmm.

Heather Maguire:

So teaching people about their intuition, and and watching for signs and opening up their awareness. People will very often say to me, so I saw this license plate, and it said, Just do it. So what does that mean? You know, and so they really feel like their intuition is telling them, you need to do X, Y, and Z. And, and this is really more about that conversation. And what I found through my process of opening up and learning how to listen, is that I call it the universe. Some people call it God or spirit or lifeforce energy, that this something that is, you know, working with us communicating with us, giving information to our intuition really works more in nudges, more nudges, you know, you eat, you should stay home, you feel better when you think about staying home, then when you do when you going on that trip, and I started paying attention up to asking for signs, and one of the signs that I would ask for was these heart rocks. And I noticed when I would take my dog out for a walk in the woods that the days when I was kind of present, clear, feeling good i They were everywhere. The days when I was in my head, caught up, stressed out, beating myself up. None for miles, couldn't find what to say in my life. And so I started to do this experiment of experimenting with, where I put my attention, how I would breathe, what I would feel, and I started to be able to sort of produce them on my walks. By managing my energy, it became this really fun experiment between me and the universe. And so that's what I teach people on these heart rock walks, that we go out into nature. And we really feel the difference between what do I want? And what do I desire? What I want is really in my head, what I desire is much more in my body. And when I think about what do I desire and asked my body, what do I desire, there's a whole different feeling. And then we ask, okay, we're going to walk with our desire, we're going to notice what we noticed, just open up our senses, that whole forest bathing, what do you see without identifying what you see? What do you hear without identifying what you hear? And we're asking the universe to work with us and, and give us heart rocks. And I am telling you, we walk out of the woods and people are like, there's one there's one, the whole palette, there's a heart Oh my god.

Heather Hester:

That oh my gosh, that is really cool. And what a great way to kind of connect that right? It's I mean, it's like a little positive feedback. Do you like that? Oh, wait, this is what this is. This is awesome. Yeah. Really, really cool. Okay. Thank you. I had been curious. And I had a feeling that I was like, Oh, I have to ask her this because I just really want to know exactly that. So I have to try that.

Heather Maguire:

And I have a funny coincidence story with my heart rocks, because i You've heard of Mel Robbins, right? The blonde woman the Black Law, like she's such a hot ticket. And I don't think I've read any of her books or, but sometimes she just sort of appears in my life. Someone will mention her and then she'll be all over my social media feed or I'll get one of those kinds of things. Right. And the first time I ever listened to her podcast, I was at the gym. And she started talking about how she teaches people to look for hearts and nature. And I was Oh my god. Gosh, we have something in common. And I looked down on the floor and no lie. There was a little it was like ripped paper. Heart, right on the floor by where? Yeah. Oh, that's the way it works. That's the way it works when we're all lined up all of a sudden.

Heather Hester:

Yeah, just, I mean, it's so cool. You see, and this is available to all of us, which I think is also something that is a misnomer. People, I think, think that being able to understand your intuition or even tap into it is something that only some people can do not everybody is able to do that. So, exactly. Just knowing that is available to you and that you do, I think there's such a part of, you know, being connected to your whole body. And really being so aware, is something that we were never taught to do, right. Like, there's such a disconnect. So it does take some effort and some work, but not working like a I don't like to use the word work, because I think that's scares people. But it takes, you know, some like, trying and some experimenting, and so Exactly. So exactly, just like you do yoga or whatever your favorite, huh. Exercises.

Heather Maguire:

Yeah, yeah. I was listening to sort of business podcast, I don't remember who was on there. But these big deal business skies. And the person who was being interviewed, said that, what he does when he's really stuck, is he just asked himself, how could this be easy? And then, and then he just sort of waits for things to come to Him. And how could this be easy? These open ended questions are game changers. When you open it up, you are inviting the universe to give you signs to give you insight? You're saying okay, I've been working this one. And it's an it's not working? Right? How can be easy? Right? In my marriage? I mean, I've been married for almost 30 years. So you know, you go in ups and downs, right? Absolutely. Yes. And I remember looking at my husband and thinking, you know, what I want more than anything is I want to look at this man. And think that, you know, this, I am so lucky to be married to this person. I know in my heart that I am. And I know in my head that like he's fabulous. But I don't always feel that. I want to feel that. And so I just asked that question. How can I feel that feeling that this is the person this is my person? And I would start to notice little things. He does this thing that's so lovely. Look at him. What a great guy. Oh, so if anything, if anything, start asking open ended questions. Start asking for answers that help solve your problems, and then pay attention to your whole body for the answers. Don't just listen in your head, pay attention in your whole body for the answer.

Heather Hester:

Right? Right. Because the head will try to overcompensate and make a lot of noise. And I have a friend say to me the other day, she's a coach, and she was like, just because you think it doesn't make it true. And I was like, good for us all to remember that, right? Like these thoughts. Just because they're in there doesn't mean it's accurate. It's just a lot of times noise or, you know, things that we're soaking in from the outside that it's just processing through and isn't even ours, right? It's just making its way through. So it's a good thing to just remember along the way and and to, you know, again, I think the one of the bigger pieces is just that ability to slow down for a moment and like, come into your body. Exactly, really just and to you know, to, to breathe and do that breathing, which I talk about all the time that is so very important and allows us to get out of our heads and into our bodies. Right? Yeah, bring the nervous system down and bring the cortisol down all the stuff.

Heather Maguire:

It's so huge,

Heather Hester:

so huge. So you are starting something new this year, or you've been working on it for a little bit, but I know it's something that you're really wanting to kind of kick off and move into more which is your energy lab. So I'm wondering if you could share that as well. little bit with us. I am

Heather Maguire:

so excited about the energy lab, I have been teaching intuitive development and a number of different things for a long, long time. And it kind of all occurred to me last year that what we're doing is energy experiments, were experimenting with our energy. And that's what a hard rock walk is experimenting with your energy. And so my Energy Lab is a series of different talks and teaching this system of experimenting with energy. I'm starting a Facebook group where we're going to be running experiments, and everyone's welcome to join us there. And I'm going to be leading talks, I did one for a local business a few weeks ago. And so the Energy Lab is sharing this information and this science, and then teaching people to look at the situations in their life, almost like, their I have this hypothesis, I have this hypothesis that, you know, my kid isn't safe. How can what can I do to change that feeling? What can I do to to find out if that's true? How can I? How can I experiment with this? Rather than just sitting in worry? How can I experiment with my energy and then notice what happens? Notice if it changes and, and I know from my own life, I know from my clients, that really powerful things can happen. When you when you do this work, really powerful changes can happen.

Heather Hester:

That is awesome. Okay, so in order to be part of this, people need to go to your Facebook page go to where can where can people learn more about this, because I think this is such an awesome work.

Heather Maguire:

I'm so excited for it. So yeah, go to the Facebook group. Okay, and, and join there. I'm going, I'm starting here, I'm in Boston. So I'm doing talks here and sort of spreading out from there. This fall, my daughter is going to be headed off to college, I have two kids, and my daughter is my second and she's headed off to college. So I'm, I am ready to take this show on the road. And really, I just really want to bring this out to people. And but start at the Facebook group start there with reading experiments, we'll be talking about it. And it's really kind of just this practice of awareness and this practice of training yourself to take a different look to unplug from what your brain is telling you this means and to be present for what's possible,

Heather Hester:

right? Which is so so important. Now, one, just one other quick question about that is will you do virtual talks?

Heather Maguire:

I am guessing that I will. And right now the Energy Lab is going to be in person. Okay, because the experiments that we're doing are sort of in person experiments. And as it gets going, I'm pretty certain that it's going to evolve into an online experience also. But

Heather Hester:

yeah, okay. I just thought I would ask because I'm sure people are wondering. Okay, that's awesome. Well, I will definitely have all of your Facebook information in the show notes and all of that good stuff.

Heather Maguire:

Yeah. And you also have a think a link to my some practices for developing your intuition. Yeah. And so people get on there, then they can get on my, my email list. And And there'll be announcements updates on the original app. And they're also

Heather Hester:

Yes, yes, I actually highly recommend that because I did get when you go on to Heather's website you can get. It's right at the beginning, just you get a download. And it's awesome. It's like a 10 page download. And it's really, really good. Just simple exercises. So if nothing else, I highly recommend that but yes, that's a perfect way to then you'll just get updates as you move this along, which is very exciting. Great. So we were talking a little bit before we started about just kind of closing today with a little bit of a meditation that you that had come to you right before we were to start and I thought that would be a lovely way to end our time together today. So I'm gonna let you take it from here and I've just so grateful that you're with us today.

Heather Maguire:

I am so delighted that I know you that you are a part of my world that you are doing the work that you're doing. It is so valuable, and I just see this podcast and you as this sort of radio signal of love, and it's really powerful and important and I I'm grateful to be here, and to be a part of it. Thank you. That's really cool. So right before we started talking, this meditation did come to me. And I'm going to invite everybody to take some nice deep breaths. And if you are someplace where you can be still and quiet, be still in quiet. If you are listening to this and you are walking, you can just let your imagination do this while you are being safe on your walk as you are driving, obviously, don't close your eyes and go too deep. But if you are in some place where you can allow yourself to do this, we're going to walk into fear in a way that feels safe. Most important that you always go only so far that you feel safe. And we're going to find out how to ground ourselves and ask for help. They're in a very beautiful way. So keep breathing, keep relaxing. And allow yourself to imagine that you can see your feet on the ground. And where are you are is headed into the woods. These are woods where you feel comfortable and safe. These are woods that feel known to you, you know this path, you begin to walk into these woods beginning to feel yourself enveloped by the trees and the plants beginning to walk away from your busy day, your busy life. And as you walk, you begin to think of something that's on your mind fairly frequently, something that you worry about, that you hold fear around.

Heather Maguire:

And as you walk that fear is present with you. Just notice it, it's along for the walk to allow it to be. And as you walk through the woods, you notice that it's getting a bit darker as the trees are closing in. As the brush is more and more dense. And you know, at the end of this trail, which you are approaching, there is a great big rock. And on the other side of the rock is a cliff with a lake down below. And it's a beautiful place. stunningly beautiful. But it feels somewhat scary to be at the top of that rock. And so you're taking care of yourself. And as you approach that rock you get as close as you can, while feeling safe. Find that place as close or as far from the edge as you wish to be.

Heather Maguire:

And you may wish to sit down right on the ground or even lay down and be fully in contact with the earth. Notice what happens when you place your attention on the earth. Those feelings of fear and worry may shift, something may change.

Heather Maguire:

And what happens when we hold fear and worry as we start to argue with it and blame ourselves. And we tend to get deeper and deeper into the fear and into the worry and lose sight of other possibilities. And that may well happen here. But you know that on the other side of this rock is this beautiful view. This experience that's exhilarating to be able to look down on the water to see the sky and the trees from this viewpoint

Heather Maguire:

and you want to have that too.

Heather Maguire:

So let's ask the question, How is it possible for me to be afraid. And for me also to feel exhilaration, success, courage

Heather Maguire:

and I want you to ask for help

Heather Maguire:

what can help me

Heather Maguire:

and something may have occurred to you immediately, your intuition is fast. And if you're scrambling to try and make sense of something, I want to invite you to ask the trees for help. I want to invite you to feel their groundedness feel their rootedness feel their support

Heather Maguire:

there's one last thing that you're going to do here. In this place of beauty of possibility and a fear you're going to take out of your bag, a pen and a paper. And you're going to write a note to the universe asking for help. With this fear helped me see a bigger picture helped me find courage and faith helped me understand where and when I am safe. helped me feel guided and trust in myself. And any other words that you wish to ask. Write them in your letter now.

Heather Maguire:

And when you're done, you're going to fold up that letter into a paper airplane. And you are going to send it sailing right up and over that rock out into that beautiful sky. And it's going to be carried away by the winds. And take into the place where your answers are connecting you to that place.

Heather Maguire:

Whenever you are ready, you can take a few deep breaths stand up, and you can walk yourself back right out of those woods. Right back into your day. Back into here and now.

Heather Hester:

That was wonderful. Thank you so so much. And thank you so much for being here.

Heather Maguire:

You are so welcome. It was my pleasure.