Jan. 17, 2022

Episode 10: Exciting Medical Gadgets for 2022

Episode 10: Exciting Medical Gadgets for 2022

Dr. Deb reviews the top 5 medical innovations for 2022. Some will make our lives easier, while some offer great opportunities for Functional/Integrative medical providers.  Do not miss these highlights:

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Functional Medicine Business Institute Podcast

Dr. Deb reviews the top 5 medical innovations for 2022. Some will make our lives easier, while some offer great opportunities for Functional/Integrative medical providers. 

Do not miss these highlights:

02:47 - One thing that was highlighted during the pandemic is the limitations to patient access to affordable Health Care

03:21 - Telemedicine will be a big part of how we deliver medicine in the future

05:26  - SkinVision - Skin check apps that provide a reliable skin assessment for the early detection of skin cancer

06:05 - What Artificial Intelligence can do in a variety of medical fields

07:12 - They're starting to look at using Chatbots for Health Care as the FIRST connection to a Healthcare System

10:10  - Many lab companies have started offering home testing in a variety of ways

12:11 - The Galleri Test is a test that looks at multiple types of cancers and a cancer early detection

12:28 - Insightech was developed as a focused ultrasound device for an image-guided acoustic surgery

15:07 - With AI Technology, the Insurance Companies are going to have access to a whole host of medical information about the patient that they've never had before