June 28, 2023

Change, Healing and Intuition

Change, Healing and Intuition

Ali and Ali talk about thriving in change, healing mind, body, and spirit and listening to spirit, and trusting your intuition.

About the Guest:

Ali Bierman thrives following two Traumatic Brain Injuries that ended life as she knew it. In every moment she does what it takes to lead a normal life despite constant challenges.

Ali‘s background in psychotherapy, specialized kinesiology, art, music, speaking, and writing complement her skills as an ordained metaphysical minister and podcast host of Let’s Get Metaphysical: Connecting Heart and Mind.

A multiple times #1 Best Selling author, she is listed in more than one-half dozen Who’s Who books and was named an Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award winner, Change happens instantly in Ali's world. What takes a long time and maybe never happens for some people, is getting ready to change.

Explore Ali’s life view at https://yourrelationshipintelligence.com

Watch or listen to any episode of her show at https://letsgetmetaphysicalshow.com

Download her gift, How To Be Happy NOW allowing you to instantly change any mood into one of happiness. https://yourrelationshipintelligence.com/instant-happy


Ali Bierman'World

Ali Bierman | LinkedIn


About the Host:

Alison Perry-Davies (Ali) is intentional about Finding Joy in her life and inspiring others to find their own path to discovering their joy. 

Sustaining a brain injury in a motor vehicle accident, being diagnosed with PTSD, and raising a daughter with a variety of challenges, Ali decided there had to be more to life than what she was experiencing and began her journey to find more joy. 

Ali’s belief is that wherever we come from, we have all known some level of pain, loss, and trauma, these things do not need to define us. She doesn’t ignore that these things have happened; however, she decided this is not the way her story ends. 

Ali’s educational background is in Counselling, Ministry, Human Resources Management, and Business, and prior to her accident, she was working as a Disability Case Manager. Ali has always been passionate about Holistic healing and she continued to explore Holistic approaches to healing and became certified in Holistic Integrated Creative Art Therapies and Vibrational Therapy and Sound Healing. She continues to study complementary healing modalities.

Ali is a recent winner of the WOW Woman of Worth 2023 award for "Community Spirit" sponsored by Global TV and a 2022 recipient of a Civic Service Award from the city of Victoria, B.C. Canada.

Ali believes in building community.

Ali hosts the podcast, Find Your Joy. She is also a co-author in 2 WOW (Woman Of Worth) Books as well as a Family Tree series book on Mother Son relationships. Ali went on to write her own book, “The Art of Healing Trauma; Finding Joy through Creativity, Spirituality and Forgiveness” which went to number one best seller in seven categories on Amazon. Soon to be released, Ali has a collection of children's books coming out called "The Don't Be Scared Be Prepared" collection where children learn about self-empowerment, positive thinking, and mindfulness.

A Podcast Host, Creative art therapies and sound practitioner, author, motivational speaker, and mentor, Ali continues to use humour and compassion to invite, inspire and encourage others to Find Their Joy.


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No sleep. Let it sweep you off your feet. Hi,

Ali Perry-Davies:

you're listening to find your joy. If you're looking for ways to thrive rather than survive in a world that can seem rather chaotic, you're in the right place. We will be sharing stories of our own as well as those from guests who have found ways to bring hope, healing and freedom into places where trauma has impacted them. I'm Ali, author of the art of healing trauma, and I'm here to remind you that life is sweet. Now, let's dive in and find ways to create our joy. Hi, I'm Ali and this is find your joy and today's guest. We have Ali Bierman, another ally, and I am so excited to chat. Ali is an ordained metaphysical minister. She is an author of 13 number one best selling books. And she's here to talk to us about how life is a choice, and choose to see the blessings. Hi, Ali.

Ali Bierman:

Hey, it's so lovely to be connecting.

Ali Perry-Davies:

It is so wonderful. How are you doing today?

Ali Bierman:

Oh, excellent. That's a choice. I can tell myself I feel great. Or I can tell myself. And I'll be why would you do that?

Ali Perry-Davies:

Probably didn't did or I shouldn't say it probably didn't. But I'm wondering if How did you get there? How did you get to the place where you were able to see things as a blessing?

Ali Bierman:

Well, 25 years ago, when I was working in crisis care as a psychotherapist, I was attacked, I had a really, really bad brain injury. And it took three years just to come out of that. But right up front, I realized, nothing's an accident, everything happens for me and not to me. And I have a choice. And I can look and I can find the gifts. And man I just did a whole talk yesterday. And all the gifts the universe had been telling me and whispering and nudging me like I was ignoring. And when I was in the rehab center, the psychologist said the only people who ever saw heal, were the people who saw the gifts. So at that time I started my first newsletters 25 years ago, was called getting unstuck.

Ali Perry-Davies:

getting unstuck. Oh, I love that. So what so your newsletter? Who were your recipients? And what kinds of things did you talk about?

Ali Bierman:

I had, I was always interested in health and wellness. And I just knew a lot because the universe gave me those gifts. And back at that time, we didn't have Facebook at all. There are these list or boards, whatever they were, and I was a major contributor in there. And people were so enamored of what I was sharing, they were calling me back alley, and I said, You know what, I'm gonna start a newsletter. And instantly 100 people signed up and she's like, okay, and it was really cool, because every place I went, people were calling me dark alley.

Ali Perry-Davies:

dark alley, your back alley.

Ali Bierman:

back alley.

Ali Perry-Davies:

Yeah, I love it. I love it. Oh, I love that. That's awesome. And so from there. So you started as a fifth a psychotherapist. And then you have this brain injury happens, you're so that I'm guessing that there is, you know, there was trauma of the actual physical trauma, and then the trauma of being attacked, which is a can be a pretty scary event. And somehow you came out of that created a wonderful newsletter. And then you started down a path to what next you you became a medical physical minister, and how did you get there?

Ali Bierman:

Well, as a writer, I live my life. And I also specialize Kinesiologist so it's like, yeah, I was I was taken out of talk therapy, and into the world of energy, and I learned all these modalities, and the universe showed me how to put them all together. And I also knew that I felt connected like a metaphysical Minister because I don't believe in religion. I believe there's a higher power. So when the universe led me to the ability to become an ordained metaphysical Minister, I jumped on it because I know everything I do, is coming from a spiritual, I don't know, knowledge power, that's driving everything in me. And in my podcast, let's get metaphysical connecting heart and mind. That's what it's all about, what's driving your behaviors, what's driving your choices, it's not something that's tangible that you can see and do. So I don't always tell people, I'm a minister. But that's where I'm coming from. That's how I live my life. That's how I do all my work. And when I write a book, and write the book, I'm an artist and a musician and composer. Um, do any of that universe does it through me.

Ali Perry-Davies:

Beautiful. So what was your first book you wrote?

Ali Bierman:

I actually wrote my first book when I was eight. Yeah, it's pretty silly. It was about three rabbits called hop, hop, hop, and hop,

Ali Perry-Davies:

hop. Oh, my God.

Ali Bierman:

I also wrote my first song that and I use songs to teach and also to get me through crises. So I wrote a pretty heavy song that I've actually never shared with anybody because my dad died unexpectedly when I was eight. So I've always been in this world. And I was looking at the sky one day, and I saw this silver, I don't know what came out of nowhere, it went back to nowhere. And I knew I knew that was my dad. So I was already on that path. I was looking for things. I was aware that I knew things. And that was the 1950s. You didn't talk about stuff like that. Back then. Rice. When Shirley MacLaine wrote a book out on a limb, I can finally realize I'm not weird. There are other people like me. So I've always paid attention to spiritual, the feelings and act on the feelings.

Ali Perry-Davies:

Yes. Beautiful. is often they feel for me, like, I call them knowings, or gentle whispers or just invitations. Yeah, something that just comes into our heart. And it just lets us it just pulls us invites us I guess, I guess I would say,

Ali Bierman:

Do you ever experience I'll be with somebody I might be working on. Or I might be with a friend. And these words come out of my mouth. And I say, that didn't come from me. That just came through me. It was a message for you. Yeah. Yeah, that too.

Ali Perry-Davies:

Yeah. It's a beautiful thing. I have actually in my book, I talked about it a lot, because it's been part of my path as well. Right. I, I, I didn't always know what it was called. I've tried to name it several times, right. I mean, I might have called it the prophetic or I might have call it psychic or intuitive. When I was a little girl, I didn't really call it anything it just was. And I just listened to it. And I felt safe with it. As I got older, and tried to name it. That became a little bit awkward for me, because I quite often then went to What does someone else name it? And that's what I guess I'm going to name it. For me that became a bit of a stumbling block. But yes, I, I've had some beautiful experiences like that. Can you tell me about any of that you've had that you feel comfortable sharing something that might come to mind that was impacted you in some way. Or maybe another person, there's probably many, if you could keep it down to the first 100.

Ali Bierman:

I worked for a couple years with a young man who had a lot of problems in his life. And he actually had a stroke and brain dead because of where the stroke was. He was just 31. And his mom was a good friend of mine. It can imagine she's having a hard time handling it. And I just I was in my room and suddenly, I felt this beautiful energy come. And I said to you, Michael, and the energy confirm. Yes, he was. He was coming to me. Like for love to give him the boost to be able to go and do what he needed to do anything went to his mom who really needed to contact him.

Ali Perry-Davies:

Wow. That's beautiful.

Ali Bierman:

Amazing. Yeah,

Ali Perry-Davies:

yeah. I recently had a interesting experience that you know, it came very close to. I was actually in the bathtub and I had this strong urge that my daughter was going to die. And so I actually got myself out of the tub, went to her, woke her up. She had shortness of breath and blue lips. It's It's just I won't, you know, take up this whole time with that story. But the first place that I phoned, the doctor said his last name, and then he said, Is it okay? If I just say, Bruce, because his name was going to be hard to pronounce, he said, My first name is Bruce. I said, Sure, great, because then the next place, my daughter ended up, she had two large blood clots in her lung, and she was literally about an hour away from being dead. And I'm very grateful to be to love to God do all the things that made it possible, my daughter is fine. Now. What's interesting was I was actually taken out of a bath with I mean, I was trying to ignore that, at first, taken out of that bath went to see my daughter, the first doctor said his name was Bruce, my brother who passed is named Bruce. And I just I immediately knew that he had somehow made me you know, he got me up. And in ICU, when we knew my daughter was going to make it, the doctor there who came in to talk to us about looking into other things to make sure she was going to be okay, going forward. Her last name was Bruce. And I told her straight out and here's the scientists, and I'm telling them well, I was in a bathtub. And the first doctor and then the set, and then now you and that wonderful, she said to me, she said, Well, you know, one you might think was coincidence, three in a row, we're gonna have to give it a little bit more weight than that. So it was a beautiful experience.

Ali Bierman:

Just to share another verse in there. When I had I had written to write and I had surgery. And the doctor, he was rated number one in that particular location tumor. His name was Bruce.

Ali Perry-Davies:

Oh, my gosh, well, I'm so glad that he showed up. Because you're here today.

Ali Bierman:

It was so cool. Because we both lived in Idaho at the time he was from Brooklyn. I was also from New York, but we both lived in St.

Ali Perry-Davies:

Louis, at the same time you traveled together just so you could meet up for that. Yeah. Because like those little things that like, I you know, I don't even try to explain them. I'm just grateful for them. It's a beautiful thing. I was looking at, you know, the list of amazing books that you've written. And I am so excited that I'll be ordering one for sure right away, and that is thrive, don't just survive. And it is gorgeous. The cover is bright, red, inviting, it looks healthy, it looks vibrant, it looks alive. And it makes me just want to ask so many questions, but I really just want to hear a little bit from you about that book. Where did it how did you come to that? I think it's probably where you live your life from? But yeah, I'd love to hear I'd love to hear about it.

Ali Bierman:

And I designed the cover myself, because I'm an artist. Beautiful. When, as you mentioned three, when three different people tell me something. So when I was on my healing journey, is when I had the brain surgery, I couldn't walk, I couldn't talk. I couldn't swallow it choke. I still have a hard time with most of that. However, that was seven years ago. No, that was 10 years ago. And so three different people, two of them being some of the therapists I worked with, and wouldn't be enough friends. So you should write a book about your experiences, because I was healing really fast. And that's what I did. So I wrote the book, I told about since I had two different brain injuries that caused two different things in my life. And I talked about, this is how you got through it. This is what I did. This is what I know about you and your world. And you can take the power in your own hands. Because everything in every moment of life is a choice. And it's your choice. Nobody does your thoughts. Nobody does your feelings. Nobody does your actions. They're your choice. And you can choose to heal because healing doesn't always mean you get to be I used to be it means accepting where you are now and moving forward. Because universe like I said, it's not doing it to you. It's doing it for you. So people were saying I was like their example. And ya you can do it too, because that wasn't easy. And I know other people have a whole lot more challenging lives than I do. And the universe never gives us anything we Can't handle. That's what gets me through everything. And in the worst moments, I say, This too shall pass.

Ali Perry-Davies:

That's powerful that the, this is not being done. To me, it's being done. For me, that is a game changer, right? That that one sentence that it's been done for me, not to me, can be a shift that is going to really be helpful to so many people. Because sometimes for sure it feels like it right. I mean, I'm your proof I'm for, you know, living with a brain injury or PTSD, or a multitude of things that we've all had trauma, we've all had things that didn't go very well. And to think about that it happened for me to open up a door to change and to shift. That's brilliant.

Ali Bierman:

I can't take credit for that line. But I do teach that and I did a talk on the wisdom app last week, explaining all the details of what the universe was doing. And putting me through the that brain injury from the attack because I had to drop out of my doctoral program. And the universe kept saying, No, you're not here to be a psychotherapist and mainstream, you're here to do the energy work, because I work directly with a subconscious. If you're doing talk therapy, you can only access the conscious mind that wasn't gonna make the life changes that I assist people in doing.

Ali Perry-Davies:

And it's really fascinating to me that you have the background in psychoanalysis so that you you have that you understand the comparison. You understand where that the limitations? The I'm not, I wouldn't suggest that there isn't some good to both. But the limitations in in in talk therapy only.

Ali Bierman:

Right? Yeah, my episode that I'm releasing Monday actually addresses that whole story I just shared with you.

Ali Perry-Davies:

Oh, beautiful. Thank you. Oh, I'm so glad that you shared that with me now. Because I think about that, I know that my personal life there, I think of it like I don't know, layers. There's different ways. So I've had talk therapy that was really useful for me, and was helpful. And I needed to share that I needed to get those some of those things out. Some of the deeper levels, the place where I think have brought me some real freedom and hope and enjoy have been energy work, the lot of energy work, and I think, you know, becoming more aware for myself about where I am holding certain things in my body or my mind or my however, when someone looks at that, and there's different layers of it all. So what are some of the kinds of energy work that you do with people?

Ali Bierman:

Well, there are different ways of sending energy. So like your fingers, or this is neutral, plus, minus plus minus the energy and the pads of your fingers is different from the energy on the nails of your fingers. There are different ways you hold your hand, and the energy is always going to be different. So the universe tells me what's wrong, where it's wrong, how to send the energy there. Because the blocks don't just happen in one place. They happen in your organs, your glands, your chakras, which are not just in your body, your meridians in your energy bodies, and you're not gonna be able to figure that out. That's why if you talk with spirit, it tells you, Oh, it's this. And it's that and it's always a combination. And I usually especially wouldn't be one and a half to three hours to get everything in there. And then spirit says, Okay, we're done. We've clear that everything we need to today. Wow. And you're not coming from up here trying to fit plus, everything has a priority. there if you don't clear that priority. If you go somebody and they say what do you want to work on first, and it's not a priority, it's gonna come back. They're just all these things that I share. And that's why I'm writing my new book about how I work and why I work differently from others and why I get results other people don't get. And that's because things that we just don't know. It's like, you go to a chiropractor, and I say, Oh, the reason you have this issue is because of the misalignment in your spine. That's not a cause. That's a symptom. Because it's always what I started in Oregon, sclient chakras, energy bodies.

Ali Perry-Davies:

Wow, that that's very interesting and that and that makes a lot of sense. It's the symptom like anything else, right? We see this, you know, depression is a symptom. Anxiety is a symptom. A sore arm is a symptom. I love that. I love that you bring that out, and listening to whatever spirit God universe, whatever a person connects to, whatever is their way to get to that. It's a beautiful thing, because you don't have to You're not confined to your own ideas, guessing, wondering what's going on. You're, you're a conduit.

Ali Bierman:

And it's when my mom was in hospice, and she was in a coma most of the time. And she wouldn't leave and she wouldn't leave and she wouldn't leave. And the work I do you can Sarah get. So my daughter was there. And she had done the surrogate work for my mom previously. So we used her as a surrogate and clear out, my mom had stuff in her light bodies, like way out there. And in her chakras, we cleared all of it out. And she was able to leave the next day. That's how important that stuff is. Why carry it from lifetime a lifetime?

Ali Perry-Davies:

Right? Right. That's amazing to me. That's and, and just the whole the whole way that you've, you've gone, just the different shifts that you've done, and the way that you've had these different traumas and different careers. And somehow, you've taken it seems like you've just really found a way to blend them all together. Like they're one great big, beautiful bone now that shines and just exudes light and love and healing and joy and peace. It's really beautiful. I love it. It's

Ali Bierman:

like you had budgeted about awareness. So I get rent. I'm 70. So I have a lot experience. And I can look back and see, oh, that's what the universe was showing me. That was the direction for me to take. So I could learn this. And I could switch from being that way, to this way. And that's where I am now to be able to support people where they are, in a way with a whole lot more clarity.

Ali Perry-Davies:

You know, I'm sure you hear this a lot. I mean, it's surprising surprised me that you said you're 70 i That surprised me. But what is 70 look like anyway, so I try I try to I try to remember that right? I'm 62. So I try to remember, I don't know, what does anything look like. But I just I guess I want to say thank you. Because aside from being willing, and so generous with your time to come on the show, but thank you because you're a person who has taken trauma and tragedy and pain, and all of these things, and you didn't just not give up for you. Because you've chosen to give that away. So thank you, thank you that when you had your first attack and your brain injury, you didn't stop and thank you that when you had a tumor in your brain, you didn't stop and I don't mean didn't stop as in chose to not die. From here. I mean, all of those things. I know from personal experience a brain injury can it it suggests to us every day that we should curl in a ball and just not do much. There's there's there's a place that it becomes very difficult when it's hard to walk or talk. It's I know because I've been in brain injury support programs where there are people that it was too difficult for them to continue on right so their their story is different for now. You know in time I really hope that someone who didn't but you're just a person with so much fight in you, but you fight from a place of love and and it's really quite beautiful and I so thank you for that because you've just been an accumulator of knowledge and and of healing and methodologies to bring healing to so many people and then you know, sitting with you it just I'm like I don't know. Your sweet, kind peaceful, gentle demeanor and inside is a lioness. That's what you know, I have this thing that I do with people right when I look at UIC. So when I look at you I see a lioness, a giant a leader a purse I see you with Like a machete going through jungles, things that would you're the first through. And even though you have blood dripping down, you've because vines have tangled around you, you have a machete and you're cutting through and you're making sure that other people have a pathway. And that's what I see when I look at you a powerhouse. And it's wrapped into this beautiful, gentle, kind, inviting, gracious package. So

Ali Bierman:

love is all there is that matters in the world. Love is what changes the world. People who think meditating on the mountaintop sending love for the world is a waste of time. No, they're the ones making the change. Can we do our part to

Ali Perry-Davies:

Yeah, that's amazing. Wow. Thank you so much. I'm looking, I'm realizing oh, my goodness. I still I wait, there's more I need to know. Thank you. Thank you so much for being so generous with your time. And I'm just really grateful that you came to be on my show today. I'm grateful that I met you and Yeah, and so Oh, yes. There's a show going on. I better make sure that people know how to get a hold of you. So yes, Chairman, will you please let people know because I know they're going to really want to get a hold of you. Please let them know how they'll do that.

Ali Bierman:

If they go to my podcast site, it's let's get metaphysical. Show.com. And you'll find way to contact me. You can find all the episodes to my show, both video and audio. And that's a good way to get a total picture.

Ali Perry-Davies:

Beautiful. Well, thank you so much. So everyone, you heard it. Let's get metaphysical. I love that name. And go and find out more about all that Ali has to offer. She's an amazing gift and a treasure to us all. Ali Veerman thank you so much for being with us today and everyone find your joy