June 15, 2022



What is energy? What does your energy feel like? You can change how you run your energy. Your dog is constantly showing you how to do this. Are you ready to take control of your energy? 

About the Host:

Michael is a Canine-Partnered Energy Coach, Energy Healer, and Author on a mission to help single men with dogs find love in their lives again. He is building a community of like-minded men through his app; Dogs and Men. You can find it in your favorite store. Download and Let Your Dog Lead you back to love.



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Michael Overlie:

Hello, my friend. Welcome back to the Dogs and Men podcast. I am glad you're here. This is the show where you learn to let your dog lead. Lead you back to love

Michael Overlie:

Oh, holy shit. Oh man. I could do it. I wanted to talk about energy, energy. Everything is energy. Energy is everything. Wow, this this one is so cool. This is so freakin awesome. Um, what? What is energy? What do you mean? What do I mean? Is it the electricity that runs through your house, you know, you're hit a switch and your lights come on, or your oven comes on or your refrigerators keeping your food cold? That all takes energy? Right? So does us moving through our day, we need to eat food to fuel our bodies to create energy so that we can accomplish whatever it is we're accomplishing. What else is energy? Emotions? Crikey, right? We feel this other thing, when we get sad or angry. When we're anxious or depressed or super freaking excited and happy, right? There's a feeling in the body that goes with that. That is energy. How about a hot cup of coffee? wrap your hands around it. You feel that heat or that warmth? Sometimes it's intense, right? You feel like it's gonna burn you. That's energy. Same thing with an ice cube, or bare handing a snowball. That is energy. So how awesome is that? Right? Think about all the things in your day. Ponder a little bit. Where there are sensations you notice you go to open your car door in the handles hot ship. That's energy. So what if we could learn to change our energy to be able to run our energy differently? All right. Where's your zen master? Go get your zen master. All right. So Indigo is running her energy all the time. But it's different all the time, just like us. So what can I get from her? What can I take from her? Sometimes she just wants to chill. And then she hears something. And it's on man. There's a squirrel out there and that squirrels just teasing her and she's getting all bonkers. Your energy's really high and she's running around. And then a couple minutes later, she can just be cooled out out cold laying in the grass or laying on the couch. Now, but she manages her energy, she can turn it up, turn it down, soften it make it more intense. Instantly. Instantly. It's not just all reaction guys. So they choose they choose very quickly. Okay, I'm done with this heightened state. I'm gonna call my shit up. It's fantastic. They're more able to do this because the stories, right? They don't create these stories around an event. They're not upset that the squirrel was giving them hell. It was just the scrolls, give them hell, and then it was over and they moved on. We get stuck in our stories, we hold on to things and most times they're ridiculous. They're absolutely ridiculous. We're so worried about what someone said or did it and we reacted in a way that made us feel crappy, right, or tense or whatever. Well, we can choose differently. Like I've talked about before, it's it takes a while this is this is a practice. This is building that muscle building that skill, but we can do different we can run our energy differently. So you know, like how I started this episode. Freakin charged up and happy and woohoo. Right? Well, just as easily. I could have started with God damn. You know, I'm having a hard day. Ah, relationship with my dad freaking sucks. And never got what I wanted from him. Yeah, that's Boehner. Right? Can you feel the difference there?

Michael Overlie:

And I'm not saying you know, 24 hours a day it's all unicorns and rainbows and puppies. But we can work on creating a different level of it. Energy for ourselves, we can run it differently, we can allow the things that hurt us to come so that we can change it into something better, something that doesn't feel painful, you know, stuffs still going to happen, guys, I'm not going to blow smoke up your ass. Life still happens. You don't, you know, do all this work. And then one day, hey, it's all great. And I never have to deal with anything uncomfortable ever again. Well, that's bullshit, right? That's, that'd be lying to you. So think about this, what if it can be a little better. And then you do some more work. And it can be a little better. Right? And then you start to see, there's other ways of doing things, other ways of being. And maybe you change other behaviors in your life. Because you feel differently. What got me, we don't want to feel we're so afraid of feeling. We're definitely afraid of being uncomfortable. We grew up that way. And our parents helped shape us that way. Because that's what they knew. I'm not blaming your parents. It's just the way it is. Right? We don't stop to question do I? Do I have to feel like this? Well, I don't want to feel like this. I want to I want to feel differently. I want to do something else. Home. Let's work with your energy. Let's work with the energy of your dog. Right?

Michael Overlie:

How does your dog move through their day? You know, take the squirrel lens, for instance. Take the food that they give them, for instance, are they like super freakin stuck? Yeah, for food. You know, Darby, my last dog, he used to eat to the bottom of the bowl every single time. And you drop it and stepped away. That's fantastic. Right? That energy that he gave to it. Now he had his own reasons for doing it for being that way. Used to have to fight for food. But man, he intense, intense Whoa, and then he's happy. He was happy. So what else happened in his day? You know, get in a little scuffle. Maybe something happens? Gets a little girl to grill you with another dog. And then he drops it. Right? Because it's okay. I don't need to stay stuck. I don't need to stay in that place where that dog was given me, you know, these signals or I got all grumpy. It's over. And you're able to move on with a change their energy and get into this other place? I mean, how fantastic is that? So why can't you do that? Better question? How can you do that? Of course you can. But how do you do it? Well, that's going to be singularly important for you. It may not be the same as me may not be the same as someone else. But energy is what we've got. And we can choose to run that differently. Guy, we can do amazing things. We can do absolutely freaking amazing things. But we need to choose to do that. Not just want it oh, I want I want to be different. God, I wish things were different. Why me? Well, why not you? So in that there's a lesson. If things are not going well for you. There's something behind that. We create our own stuff all day long. But we don't understand that we want to blame it on someone else. A situation some some life event. There are just tests, every single one is a test. How do you show up though? Most of us don't show up? Well, we stay stuck. We stay pissed, angry, hurt. depressed, anxious, betrayed, you know, name, name your thing, right? Whatever it is, well, things happen to everybody. And we look at others and say, God, he's he's got it easy. Or, you know, he hasn't had a hard life. He hasn't had this or that? Well, you can't compare yourself to someone else. You have no idea what they've been through. I mean, really, most people don't share everything that they've always been through. I see people who have wealthy parents and think, Oh, they've got it easy. Well, maybe their parents are always working and we're never around for them. Right? They have this deep sense of abandonment or shame. So we just don't know. So what do you do? How can you do it? How can you run your energy differently? Well, I mentioned it before. Spend time, watch your dog. Move through her day. Watch your dog as he plays and then rests and then barks at the fence. All right. And then see, see how you do that throughout your day. Who are you barking at? And who are you playing with? It's all energy. Enjoy it. All right. We will catch you soon. Please share, please like leave a review or not. And I'll talk to you soon. Love you