Jan. 18, 2024

Using AI Tools for Editing

Using AI Tools for Editing

The process of editing videos and audios for courses can be extremely tedious which is why I'd like to introduce you to a great AI tool called Descript!

  • It simplifies both audio and video editing, making it accessible for those with minimal editing experience.
  • It generates accurate scripts, allowing easy removal of filler words like 'ums' and efficient content editing.
  • The tool handles video editing smoothly, addressing concerns about choppiness, making it valuable for content creators.
  • Descript facilitates content repurposing by providing a script that can be used for various purposes, such as creating social media posts.
  • It offers a free version, and paid plans with additional features make it a recommended tool for video and audio editing in course creation.

I have been using descript for a bit now and absolutely love it- give it a try if you are looking for a new and simple editing tool without all the hassle!

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About Donna Ashton

Donna Ashton, Time Reclaimer & Course Expert has 14 years experience running a simple business working 3 days per week. She teaches strategies to design 4 -Day -Weekends for overloaded creatives & solopreneurs, giving them their lives back.

Her purpose is to package up your expertise into a course that changes the world (and makes you more money!)

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