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Dec. 22, 2021

Travelling Africa With Katchie Nzama

Travelling Africa With Katchie Nzama
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Minding Your Business Africa

In 2017,South African media personality and travel blogger, Katchie Nzama, also known as The Solo Wanderer, backpacked from Capetown South Africa to Cairo Egypt, on her own

It took her six months to travel across 21 countries in a trip she tagged #BreakingBorders.

Since then she has visited 35 of Africa’s 54 countries.

Following Katchie’s work through her very active social platforms, Her life sometimes looks like one big vacation and talking to her, she has stories for days.

But Travel is more than a vacation for Katchie. It’s about helping Africans travel and explore the continent in affordable ways, promoting community based travel and finding ways for tourism to benefit African communities.

On this episode of Minding Your Business Africa, Katchie talks about promoting intra-African travel and how important it is, to document our stories and our journeys from our perspective.