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Expert voices on leading teams
The Altus Team understands humans at work and how to build healthy, sustainable teams that drive toward a common goal and produce results with love and care. If you care about creating impactful, meaningful work while embracing people’s humanity, this is a do-not-miss.

Wonderful Leadership and Organizations Podcast
I always love listening to the Missing Conversations podcast! The warm personalities of the hosts and guests shine through, and make me feel like the complex world of organizations and leadership isn’t so daunting. I leave with learnings that are both deep and applicable to my work both inside organizations as a team member and coming in from outside as a consultant and coach.

Great lessons on creating and leading teams
I love listening to the episodes and hearing how leaders have taken on the challenge of creating and leading teams.

Happy ears
The first episode I listened to was Kyra Kennedy’s. I loved hearing her perspective on life & leadership. I’ve since listened to 4 episodes & look forward to more. Sai’s relational resume insights were refreshing & offered me a new lens on leadership competency. Having 2 interviewers each episode is pretty spectacular, i love hearing from different peeps.

Real world experience
The fact that the hosts have many years of experience comes across in this podcast. They really know what they’re talking about, choose great guests, and really engage them.

Power in questions
Altus team opens the space for honest conversations with leaders who share how they navigated from inspiration, doubt, failures and successes without defeat. A great listen and beautiful learning experience!

Real-World Leaders, Conversations, and Results!
I love what I’m hearing. These podcasts are talking with real-world leaders who can changing the game in their respective domains.

Stellar interviews
Several times now I’ve sent Episode 3 on Decision-making to my colleagues and clients.

I am very excited by this podcast. It is helping me think so such an expansive way.