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Nov. 16, 2022

Stranger In The Park

Stranger In The Park

Today's NaPodPoMo's MindFULL Musing is an off-the-cuff conversation with a man I see almost everyday when I do my daily walk. During the pandemic when we weren't able to see our nearest and dearest, I'd see this man and after awhile, I started to notice him around town. One day I saw him at FedEx and there we laughed and introduced ourselves. Now, if I don't see him in the park, I worry.

Who do you see around?

Here is the MindFULL conversation, Strangers On A Plane, that inspired me to notice who I see!

Please follow my blog, The MindFULL Creative. It's the inspiration for this podcast and has tons of ideas and links to fill your mind with fresh perspectives! https://themindfullcreative.com

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