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Aug. 22, 2022

MindFULL Musings - 60 and Counting!

MindFULL Musings - 60 and Counting!

Today’s episode is a short MindFULL Musing on turning 60. I share an essay, Hind Sight, written by Wendy Reiger, a 60 year old news anchor who passed away in the Spring of 2022, and a mention from McKinsey on Point, a daily newsletter from McKinsey and Company, on “What is the 60+ economy really worth?” Turning 60 is a milestone and it’s worth trillions, on many levels. Let’s celebrate!

 #1 Takeaway from Wendy’s essay:

  1. Don’t look back

Takeaways From McKinsey on Point: 

  1. The Longevity Concept  - older adults are living much greater lives with longer health spans (the healthy periods of a person’s life), which enables them to be productive and to contribute to society
  2. This new concept is worth over $8 TRILLION
  3. Physical balance is linked to longevity. Those who can stand on one leg for a period of time, tend to live longer. LOL! Stand like a flamingo, for :30 seconds, on each leg.

Links to Wendy Rieger essay – Hind Sight : https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/hind-sight-an-essay-by-wendy-rieger/3050599/?_osource=SocialFlowFB_DCBrand&fbclid=IwAR08nCQGpI-Ia4tk6W8QDjFnbKnwNQR6HRtkvL30Ibbj1iBzReHMBrwNuo4

 Link to McKinsey and Company interview with Susan Wilner Golden about her new book, Stage (Not Age): How to Understand and Serve People Over 60—the Fastest Growing, Most Dynamic Market in the World (Harvard Business Review Press, June 2022).


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