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Nov. 14, 2022



This week, NaPodPoMo's MindFULL Musings harken back to some of my favorite MindFULL conversations.

Today's episode is a short story I wrote in Nancy Sharp's Guided Autobiography class. After having a conversation with Nancy, I decided to take her class and boy, am I glad I did! Check out our conversation here:


And then check out Nancy's website for her next Guided Autobiography class starting this month: https://www.nancysharp.net

Please follow my blog, The MindFULL Creative. It's the inspiration for this podcast and has tons of ideas and links to fill your mind with fresh perspectives! https://themindfullcreative.com

Be in touch with me! You can DM me on Instagram and let me know what you think, what you like and if you'd like to be a guest and fill our minds! https://www.instagram.com/mindfullconversations/

And, if I have mentioned a book above, I might have moved the link up there - in case you need it again, click below to easily support local bookstores, shop my page and fill your mind. https://bookshop.org/shop/mindfullconversations