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Solid Podcast
Interesting story and well produced. Narrator is very good. Could have used less of the hysterics of Jesperson’s daughter. She’s hard to listen to - unstable and just constantly whining. Music is horrible also. But the amount of research and interviews is impressive.

Terrifying, chilling, emotional
“Men are afraid of women laughing at them. Women are afraid of men killing them.” Let that sink in. It’s hard to understand (creeps me out actually) how people even noticed the music with content as deep and engaging as this. This rates as one of the best true crime podcasts in my opinion.

An emotional investment that pays off
I heard about this series as a fan of the delightful Movie Crush podcast, of which Noel (the supervising producer) is a regular contributor. The sincerity of his recommendation on that show piqued my interest, but I waited months before I actual started listening. I didn’t feel up to the challenge of listening to something that I was sure would be emotionally draining, however valuable it was. For whatever reason, I finally felt the need to test the first episode last night and, my god, what a story it is. While I wouldn’t recommended it for anyone trying to fall asleep at night, not just because it’s obviously grim but also too engaging, I am so in awe of the subjects of this podcast. The most beautiful take on the true crime genre that I have seen. Brave and vulnerable interviews and exquisitely produced.

The best investigative podcasts
I’ve listened to so many of these wonderful documentary/ investigative/ true crime podcast. There are so many I’ve finished with some fulfillment, but I was waiting for a second one. For me, one season of this podcast was enough in the most perfect way. Through the whole story I felt so many emotions and they hit me from many different directions. Melissa you mean so much to me. You inspire me with your strength. All of you on this podcast team are awesome too!!! Your journalism/ presentation is super appealing/ organized to me and all my office mates as well:) Ps I love the music:)

Interesting deep dive into psychosis and Family tragedy
I rarely write reviews however I felt compelled in this case to respond to the negative comments by people about the music. I have literally listened to hundreds of hours of podcasts in this genre and found the music appropriately interesting and well timed. In the meantime the story of one woman’s journey from childhood to daughter of a serial killer and beyond was compelling, thoughtfully told and chilling.

Mind blowing, Chilling, Couldn’t stop listening
Great listen. The stories from this killers own mouth are EXTREMELY chilling. Being able to listen to how he became a killer and why he did what he did is so hard to hear but I couldn’t stop listening. And the perspective from his daughter in the podcast and how she lives with knowing the horror her dad brought to so many individuals and the work she is doing now for the victim’s families is so admirable.

Loving the story. It’s very compelling!

Captivating journey punctuated by the most beautiful soundtrack
This podcast is so much more than JUST a riveting true crime story about a serial killer. It's a journey delving deep into the fabric of humanity, woven from broken strands of emotion, intellect, psychology, ideology, revelation, betrayal and trust. And despite the fact that the thread holding it all together was so dark and damaged, the tapestry that we see in the end is far stronger and brighter than the sum of its parts. I can't begin to give appropriate accolade to the responsible party (parties) for setting the most perfectly heart wrenching tone by way of Hope for Agoldensummer. The Campbell sisters weren't previously even on my radar, however now thanks to this hauntingly perfect pairing, they have become my latest obsession. They simply breathe catharsis to me, which I believe is the great takeaway theme of this podcast.

Also agree that music was just unnecessary and distracting. Really enjoyed the clinical info in episode 11, can we get Trump tested to see his level of Psycopathy!!??

An amazing podcast!
I hope Melissa can finally and for once and for all can get out from under her father's legacy of terror and death. She is and will never be anything like him! I'm sorry Melissa had to do a podcast about such horror, but I hope it was cathartic. Never stop finding your space in the world that's nothing to do with your father!

Great Podcast!
I just heard about this podcast on my favorite true crime podcast (Fruit Loops), and am so glad I did. I binged the first six episodes over the weekend, and I’m hooked. Some reviewers mentioned issues with the music, but I love it. The show uses a Leadbelly cover, and some other roots/Americana music. The songs are a great accompaniment to the interviews.

Compelling Podcast, I felt their pain
Compelling, truly painful recount from a survivor’s unique perspective. Its so clear Melissa is suffering (PTSD or something). I hope she gets counseling, if she isn’t already.

Shame on you, the Tacky Reviewers!!!
I loved this podcast. It was interesting and right on point for what it said in the description. For the life of me, I don't understand the bad reviews saying Melissa is tacky and obnoxious and trying to make a buck. Grow up. This was a great podcast, delivering exactly what they said they would. My hearts hurts not only for Melissa and family, but the victims families and of course the victims themselves. I pray they are all in a great place and resting in peace. God will punish "him" in His own way and time. Peace to everyone else. And thank you for this emotional podcast..good luck to you Melissa.

I love the set up and delivery of this podcast! Melissa has so much strength for going through this journey for her to be able to heal!!!

Good podcast, God Awful music
Good lord the music in this podcast makes me want to stab my ears. Cool story though, just hard to listen to sometimes

You get the stories of the sons of one of the victims and the Happy Face killer’s daughter. So sad, but amazing to hear their experiences.

Very well done!
I just can’t get enough! Very well done podcast. So sorry to the family and the victims families!

I am a huge fan of true crime podcasts, and this is easily one of my favorites! The way it was told was absolutely beautiful.

A great listen
This is such a great take on the “true crime” podcasts. I would definitely recommend it.

Loved it
Thank you for sharing your story, Melissa. Very moving and I'm happy you were able to better understand/ accept who you are through the process of the podcast.

This is truly an emotional podcast. I was mired to tears several times. I feel so sorry for Melissa. Thank yo for this podcast. Amazing work!

An excellent exploration of the impact of crime on the lesser considered victims - the children of the perpetrator. Not hard to follow at all - very well produced and the music is used very effectively. Similar in theme to The Clearing, but Melissa makes herself more emotionally available and willing to explore the impact her fathers crimes have had on her, making for a slightly more engaging story. Heartbreaking and captivating at the same time - very much worth the listen!

Amazing storytelling
Fascinating perspective. Truly moving. 10/10

I’m only half way through but this hits hard. I appreciate the focus on Leroy and what he went through. That is a difficult part of true crime that we don’t often hear. It helps to truly understand what this man did. There is so much compassion in this podcast.

Keeps you interested
I really enjoy the journalist in this she is well put together. I like the quotes she adds in. Keeps it interesting with different forms of media and it is very well organized!

Happy Face is hard to follow
The story is great but the 3 of us are very confused following who is talking, or where we are in the timeline. It jumps around a lot in the timeline and we can’t tell where Happy Face is. For example, suddenly we hear them talking about when the mom and dad they first met and we were confused on what she was talking and laughing about. This has been frequent throughout the first two chapters, but we’re giving it a chance!

Amazing! I cried so much during Leroy and Don. I’m so happy there was a light at the end of this sad and dark story.

Love it, but the music in between is trash.

Kids love it!
Kids love the stories and they are long enough for the wife and I to get stoned and make love. Thank you more than you know!

Wow! Loved this
Way to go! So real, so well done! This is an amazing story.