Welcome to the Facially Conscious Podcast!


July 23, 2024

The Honest Truth About Plastic Surgery with Dr. Brandyn Dunn

We love having plastic surgeon Dr. Brandyn Dunn on our podcast episode, The Psychology of Plastic Surgery; discussing expectations, realities, disappointment, and the recovery process with Dr. Brandyn Dunn because he is new and hot off the press, kn…

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July 9, 2024

Exploring the Role of an Esthetician with Dr. Mark Lees

Are you considering the possibility of becoming an Esthetician? Learn all about the business in this conversation with our hosts, Trina and Rebecca, estheticians, and Dr. Mark Lee, esthetician. Listen in as they discuss the intricacies of the esthet…

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July 1, 2024

Introduction to Exosomes and Stem Cell Technologies

This week on Facially Conscious, we're excited to bring you a fascinating episode with Dr. Greg Maguire, co-founder of NeoGenesis. Our focus today is on the revolutionary use of stem cell-based technologies in medicine, with a special emphasis on ex…

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June 25, 2024

What is Organic Cosmetics?

In this episode, DEEP DIVE: What are the biggest myths and misunderstandings about organic cosmetics? With Gay Timmons, we jump into the intriguing world of organic cosmetics, uncovering myths and shedding light on the truths behind this booming ind…

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June 12, 2024

Navigating Menopause

Hey everyone, welcome to Facially Conscious! Today we will talk about Menopause. If you have a chance, listen to our amazing episode Ageless Beauty: Unveiling the Secrets of Skin and Menopause with Dr. Suzanne Beth Gilberg-Lenz   Menopause is…

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June 3, 2024

Discovering PAVISE: Revolutionary Sunscreen Technology

Hello and welcome back as we give a little glimpse into a great new episode of Facially Conscious! If you haven't had the chance to listen to the episode called PAVISE - New Sunscreen Technology with Sophie Bai and Michelle Yoswa, we highly recomm…

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May 28, 2024

Six Ways to Mess Up Your Acne Program

Acne can be a beast and hard to get under control. If you have acne issues, I highly recommend you tune into episode 6 ways to f—- up your acne program / Mark Lees. You can hear it wherever you listen to podcasts. Here is a direct link. Rebec…

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May 14, 2024

Understanding Hair Loss: Causes, Treatments, and Hope

Hair loss is a universal concern that affects people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. In a recent podcast episode Mane Matters: Tackling Hair Loss Head-On with Expert Solutions, dermatologist Dr. Vicki Rapaport explained the complexities of ha…

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May 6, 2024

Microbiome: Insights and Reflections from Facially Conscious

Hello friends, and welcome to our breakdown of the episode on the Microbiome, with our special guests Dr. Doris Day M.D. and Thomas M. Hitchcock, Ph.D. authors of the book, Rebooting the Biome. If you haven't already, I highly recommend tuning in to…

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April 30, 2024

GREEN & CLEAN - Demystifying Natural, Organic, & Eco-Friendly Products with Gay Timmons

At the bottom of this blog post, you will find the SHOW NOTES. Hi friends, and welcome back,  In the world of cosmetics, terms like "organic," "natural," "clean," and "green" are often thrown around, but what do they mean? We are excited to h…

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