Okay, that’s the official bio. Now here’s the rest of the story. In the late 90's, I was completely immersed in the corporate world, climbing the well-worn "ladder to success” at a major bank, checking all the boxes for a good life defined by external forces.
Inside I was miserable, yet I was so numb that I didn’t even know how miserable I actually was. I had cloaked that misery with all the trappings of the corporate world. I needed to look good, I needed to win at all costs, I needed to get that next promotion, and most of all, I needed to always be right.
Somewhere under that misery was the simple but daunting question. What if it could be different? Through a series of seemingly random and meaningless events, a journey to wholeness began. It is a journey that continues and it is marked by a life of joy that comes from sharing, guiding, and growing with others who are asking themselves the same question – What if it could be different?

What happens if I turn everything upside down and wrap my work around my life instead of the other way around? What if it could be different?"
One of those random events occurred in a meeting where my team decided to “assume positive intent” as a core value. You can hear more about that experience in my TEDx talk. Another event involved facing a major setback at work that prompted me to flee to the mountains to gather myself. Another was meeting an acquired team during a merger that was actually grounded and calm instead of flustered and panicked. They introduced me to Stop at Nothing. That was also the year I got my first glimpse of Lake Lure, the place I now call home.
Those baby steps were too numerous to recount, yet they have added up to evolve and even create a completely different life. Tiny shifts in perception created huge differences in actions. New questions began to emerge. What happens if I begin to write in journal? Does meditation really work? Is it possible to follow a passion and still make a living? What happens if you actually eat right, moderate alcohol, and joyfully exercise? What would it take to be an artist? What shifts can I make to bring me closer to who I truly am? Can I live out of a true purpose? What if I turn everything upside down and wrap my work around my life instead of the other way around?
I’m still answering those long standing questions while regularly finding new ones. Today, my life is full of athletic endeavors (water skiing), art (pottery and water color), farming with my awesome husband, and working with clients. Perhaps my greatest insight has been this: We are one person with one life. Love and live to the fullest, no matter what part of the journey you are currently on.