For Chefs Who Want To Enjoy Their Careers Without Sacrificing Their Lives

The Three Critical Steps to Attracting, Hiring & Retaining Restaurant Staff You're Missing

Yup, that's right.

What's your plan for attracting the right staff?

What's your critical path for successfully hiring your dream team?

What's your strategy for keeping that killer crew together and cohesive?


Think again.

Not only is there a better way to do all of these things, if you're not focused on three critical steps, you'll continue to have a revolving door to your competitors?

Scot Turner of Auden Hospitality joins Jim Taylor of Benchmark Sixty and Adam Lamb of Chef Life Coaching to reveal these crucial steps so that you can become the preferred employer in your market and say good-bye to the "under-staffed blues"

Make your voice heard, this Thursday, August 24th at 12 N ET on the Turning The Table Podcast Page.