Stay safe, stay awesome, stay hydrated!
May 12, 2022

Kind Words Responses

Kind Words Responses

Click here to listen to the full episode!


During our research into the Kind Words episode, Satsunami asked two questions on the game asking about player's experiences with Kind Words. 


I'd like to know your experiences with this game. As someone who has gone through some horrible times the past two years and have been helped by this game, I would love to hear how this game has helped you as well. Don't forget to stay hydrated too!


Here's my lil thesis on the beauty of this game. It's the act of giving that makes this tiny society so gorgeous. There is nothing to do but give and be vulnerable, to give out pieces of ourselves to share and for others to hold. To give advice we've learnt and struggles we've experienced. I feel privileged to be in this exchange of good will and giving. To be giving presents and to receive them. I feel arguably too good to be here. I've only been here for a day but it already feels like home.


I think for me personally, it's simply knowing that I am not alone. Hearing people that can relate to how I feel makes me feel so much less isolated. <3
Also, the advice/tips that I have recieved really have helped me as well! In the heat of the moment, its like my brain malfunctions and sometimes I can't even think of the obvious thing to do, the help from others in moments like that is much appreciated.
I hope you have an awesome day or night, wherever you are in this wide world and stay safe! xxx


hi there friend, this game has helped me with some of my self confinidence, obviously due to my depression i start to self doubt it all, but atleast it cheers me up for a short while. i love how this game is filled with a caring and accepting community. full of people with similar situations as me. this game has helped me realize that there are people who are out there like me. <3 thank you for letting me write to you stranger. <333


I run a podcast and would love to know how Kind Words has affected your life. I've been using this myself for 2 years and would love to share this amazing game with more people. You are all fantastic people and deserve nothing but the best in life!


Hi Dear S,
Hope you are doing great :)
Glad to hear that you are thriving in life while using this game :) It is so refreshing to hear that people are sharing their stories here while remaining to be anonymous. Take care and all the best! Lots of love from me to you! :)


It's a bit odd the way I use this platform. Throughout my life there's been a consistent theme when it comes to my emotional state. If I get too close to someone, I lose the ability to be able to share any fact about my mental state that is negative. Even now, if I'm feeling helpless or overwhelmed the people closest to me will never know. Somewhere along the way I found that I'm more comfortable sharing with people I'm only somewhat aquainted with. Enter this game, strangers that I don't know with good intentions. works


This was recomended to me by a friend who I saw playing it on stream. I have been able to get some big things off my chest and ideas on how to confront people politly. I also have been given wonderful incite into how my partner might be thinking when I was overthinking and stressing some things. I asked them about it and they said it was exactly right, they just couldn't vocalize it before. The music and airplanes are very uplifting for me as well. I also love the feeling of collecting a new sticker/decoration.