Broadcasting the Truth of Jesus Christ


Feb. 11, 2023

The ReMENant Episode #46 The Gathering Stage

The ReMENant Episode #46 The Gathering Stage Join in fellowship as Stephen Thomas, Bill Snyder and Ray Haywood Explore The Gathering Stage, where many well-formed young men lose their faith while meeting the needs of the ph…
Feb. 10, 2023

The Obligation Show #110 Nathan Hamel

In this special Instagram Interview Series episode, Jason speaks with Nathan Hamel out of the state of Kansas regarding his reversion back to the Faith which manifested itself through his service in the Marines and by a spec…
Feb. 10, 2023

Carolina Catholic Homily of The Day Featuring Father John Putnam of St. Mark Catholic Church of Huntersville

Father Putnam speaks on "The Image of Lightness and Darkness" as described by the Prophet Isaiah.
Feb. 10, 2023

Carolina Catholic Homily of The Day Featuring Father Binoy Davis of St. Matthew Catholic Church of Charlotte

Father Davis with special speaker Father Michael O'Loughlin of the "Proto-Cathedral of Saint Mary Byzantine Catholic Church" of Sherman Oaks, CA and co-host of the Podcast "What God Is Not" speaks on "A Thorn In The Flesh."
Feb. 9, 2023

From The Rooftop Episode #19 How to Positively Form Our Families and Friends

Join Msgr. Winslow and Fr. Kauth in a conversation about the ways we can form our children and friends without turning them away.
Feb. 8, 2023

Carolina Catholic Homily of The Day Featuring Father Paul Buchanan of Queen of The Apostles Catholic Church of Belmont

Father Buchanan speaks on "When The Lord Jesus Tells Us Who We Are."
Feb. 8, 2023

Joyful Echo 02-08-23

100th EPISODE!!!In anticipation of her talk on 2/11/23, guest Ann Vucic joins Jean and Kathleen to discuss Medjugorje. Are parishes allowed to sponsor pilgrimages there? Ann shares some of the many fruits of Medjugorje.
Feb. 8, 2023

Carolina Catholic Media Showcase Featuring Kara Griffin of the Charlotte Diocese CCDOC Human Trafficking Awareness Committee with an interview with Sr. Anne Victory

A special Carolina Catholic Media Showcase featuring Kara Griffin of the Charlotte Diocese CCDOC Human Trafficking Awareness Committee with an interview with Sr. Anne Victory of US Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking …
Feb. 7, 2023

Carolina Catholic Media Showcase - Sister Anne Victory

Sister Anne Victory speaks on Human Trafficking and Trying to Put An End To Human Trafficking.
Feb. 7, 2023

Sensus Fidelium Hour #15 02-07-23

Host Steve Cunningham talks about "What is Fasting? Lent is the badge of Christian honor. If we love Christ we have the season of Lent to prove it"
Feb. 7, 2023

Faith and Sport 02-06-23

Join host John Acquaviva and special guest Jason Murphy as they discuss their Hit or Miss of the Week, and the latest on other topics in sport as they relate to character, ethics and morality.  The guest for the show is form…
Feb. 3, 2023

The Obligation Show #109 John Sequeira with Cursillo

Join Jason as he sits down with John Sequeira who is the Lay Coordinator for the English Speaking Cursillo Movement in the Diocese of Charlotte.  John and Jason discuss the origins, meanings, and objectives of the Cursillo M…
Feb. 3, 2023

Carolina Catholic Media Showcase - Catholic Schools Week - Principals Roundtable Discussion

A Roundtable Discussion between the Principals of Charlotte Catholic Schools for "Catholic Schools Week."
Feb. 2, 2023

From the Rooftop Episode #18 Fostering Holy Habits to Develop a Virtuous Life

Let Msgr. Winslow and Fr. Kauth inspire you to develop new habits that will draw you closer to our Blessed Lord.
Feb. 1, 2023

Carolina Catholic Homily of The Day Featuring Deacon Zeke Panzica of Queen of Apostles Catholic Church of Belmont

Deacon Panzica speaks on "Being a Somebody For Christ and a Nobody To The World."