Dear Friends and Benefactors:
Thank you for your commitment and support of the Carolina Catholic Media Apostolate in 2024.
It’s been six years since we signed on as Charlotte's first Catholic Radio Station in January 2019.
Because of our generous donors, we continue our mission to evangelize the Truth of Jesus Christ and our Catholic Faith across Charlotte, the Carolinas and beyond.
It is only by the Grace of God that our fledgling apostolate has overcome a 100-year pandemic and an upside-down economy to expand to 7 media platforms including Radio, internet streaming, mobile app, website, YouTube, social media and email newsletter. CCM has also amassed a vast library of local programs available by podcast and video on-demand.
As you may know from our weekly newsletters, the future of AM1270 WCGC Radio has been in serious jeopardy. However, thanks to a local broadcaster in the region, we are now ready to implement a plan to combine forces and launch an AM/FM Catholic Radio Combo providing better broadcast quality and expanded area coverage across the west/central Charlotte metropolitan region. Our hope is that Catholic Radio across Charlotte and the Carolinas will be on the air for many years and generations to come.
It is our intention to implement this plan in the first half of 2025. It will require the necessary ‘working capital’ for engineering and operational consolidation to maximize the coverage area and minimize the cost of operations. As with all non-profits, growing and diversified financial support will be a key to the success of our mission.
On behalf of everyone at CCM, we ask for your continued partnership in this evangelization initiative. May God Bless you and your family abundantly in the year ahead!
In the peace of Christ,
David M. Papandrea, OFS
Carolina Catholic Media Network
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