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April 15, 2024

Verbal Judo Free Book: Summary and Key Takeaways

Verbal Judo Free Book: Summary and Key Takeaways

Chapter 1 What's Verbal Judo Free Book by George J. Thompson

Verbal Judo is a book written by Dr. George J. Thompson that teaches readers how to effectively communicate and defuse conflict using verbal techniques. The book covers strategies for dealing with difficult individuals, managing emotions, and resolving conflicts in a peaceful manner. It is a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their communication skills and create more positive interactions with others.

Chapter 2 Is Verbal Judo Free Book A Good Book

"Verbal Judo" by George J. Thompson is considered to be a highly respected and informative book on communication and conflict resolution techniques. The book teaches readers how to effectively communicate and de-escalate potentially volatile situations using verbal skills.

While the book may not be free, many readers have found it to be a valuable resource for improving their communication skills and handling difficult situations. Overall, "Verbal Judo" is generally regarded as a good book for anyone interested in learning how to better navigate challenging interactions through effective communication strategies.

Chapter 3 Verbal Judo Free Book by George J. Thompson Summary

"Verbal Judo" by George J. Thompson explores the art of communication and persuasion in difficult situations. The book provides strategies and techniques for effectively managing conflict, diffusing tense situations, and dealing with difficult people using verbal skills.

Thompson emphasizes the importance of empathy, listening, and understanding in communication, and provides practical tips for de-escalating confrontations and resolving conflicts peacefully. He also discusses the power of words and the impact they can have on others, emphasizing the need to choose language carefully in order to achieve positive outcomes.

Overall, "Verbal Judo" is a comprehensive guide to improving communication skills and mastering the art of persuasion, particularly in challenging or high-stress situations. It offers valuable insights and strategies for anyone looking to enhance their verbal communication abilities and improve their ability to navigate difficult interactions effectively.


Chapter 4 Verbal Judo Free Book Author

George J. Thompson was a former professor and martial arts instructor who specialized in the field of verbal communication and conflict resolution. He released the book "Verbal Judo: The Gentle Art of Persuasion" in 1983.

Aside from "Verbal Judo," some of his other books include "Persuasion Tactics: Covert Psychlogy Techniques for More Effective Negotiations, Sales, and Arbitrations" and "Verbal Judo: Redirecting Behavior with Words."

In terms of editions, "Verbal Judo: The Gentle Art of Persuasion" is considered to be the best of his works, with multiple updated editions released over the years.

Chapter 5 Verbal Judo Free Book Meaning & Theme

Verbal Judo Free Book Meaning

"Verbal Judo" refers to the art of using words to effectively navigate difficult or confrontational situations. The book by George J. Thompson provides strategies and techniques for communicating assertively, de-escalating conflicts, and influencing others through verbal persuasion. The main idea behind Verbal Judo is to use words as a tool to resolve disputes peacefully and achieve positive outcomes in challenging interactions.

Verbal Judo Free Book Theme

The theme of "Verbal Judo" by George J. Thompson is the power of effective communication and persuasion in diffusing conflict and achieving positive outcomes in difficult situations. Thompson emphasizes the importance of using words wisely and strategically to de-escalate confrontations, build rapport, and influence behavior. By mastering the principles of verbal judo, individuals can navigate challenging interactions with skill, empathy, and professionalism, ultimately leading to better outcomes for all parties involved.

Chapter 6 Other Accessible Resources

  1. Amazon - The Verbal Judo Free Book by George J. Thompson can be found on Amazon's website for purchase or download.
  2. Barnes and Noble - This book is also available on the Barnes and Noble website in various formats.
  3. Google Books - The Verbal Judo Free Book can be found on Google Books for online reading or download.
  4. Apple Books - This book is available on the Apple Books platform for download on iOS devices.
  5. Goodreads- You can find information and reviews about the Verbal Judo Free Book on Goodreads.
  6. Audible - The Verbal Judo Free Book is available in audiobook format on Audible for listening on the go.
  7. YouTube - There may be videos or reviews about Verbal Judo and the Free Book by George J. Thompson on YouTube.
  8. Social Media - Check platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for posts, discussions, and recommendations about this book.
  9. Library - Many libraries offer e-book versions of the Verbal Judo Free Book that can be borrowed online.
  10. Online forums and discussion boards - Join forums such as Reddit or Quora to find discussions about this book and recommendations from other readers.


Chapter 7 Quotes of Verbal Judo Free Book

Verbal Judo Free Book quotes as follows:

  1. "The goal of verbal judo is to resolve conflicts peacefully and professionally through effective communication."
  2. "It's not what you say, but how you say it that makes all the difference in the world."
  3. "By choosing your words carefully and using them skillfully, you can defuse even the most tense and volatile situations."
  4. "Verbal judo is about controlling your emotions, staying calm, and using your words as a powerful tool to influence others."
  5. "When someone is being aggressive or confrontational, remember that it's not about you - it's about them. Stay calm and respond accordingly."
  6. "Active listening is a key component of verbal judo. Hear out the other person's perspective before responding."
  7. "Humor can be a powerful tool in diffusing tense situations. Use it wisely and tactfully to lighten the mood."
  8. "Avoid getting sucked into a power struggle. Stay focused on resolving the conflict peacefully and professionally."
  9. "Respect is essential in any communication. Treat others with respect, even if they are not doing the same."
  10. "Practice makes perfect. The more you use verbal judo techniques, the more natural they will become in your interactions with others."

Chapter 8 Similar Books Like Verbal Judo Free Book

  1. "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle - This book offers practical advice on how to live in the present moment and let go of past regrets and future worries, similar to the themes addressed in "Verbal Judo".
  2. "Daring Greatly" by Brené Brown - In this book, Brown explores the concept of vulnerability and how embracing it can lead to greater connection and fulfillment in life, a message that resonates with the importance of authenticity in communication discussed in "Verbal Judo".
  3. "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" by Carol S. Dweck - Dweck explores the concept of fixed versus growth mindsets and how our beliefs about our abilities can shape our success, providing valuable insights for personal development and change.
  4. "Atomic Habits" by James Clear - Clear discusses the power of small habits and incremental improvements in achieving goals, offering practical strategies for creating lasting change and breaking negative patterns.
  5. "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" by Mark Manson - This book challenges conventional self-help advice and encourages readers to embrace discomfort and uncertainty in order to live a more fulfilling life. It complements the themes of effective communication and personal growth discussed in "Verbal Judo".