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June 12, 2023

Bessel van der Kolk:The Body Keeps the Score Introduction

"The Body Keeps the Score" is a book by Bessel van der Kolk, which explores the impact of trauma on the human body and brain. The book describes how traumatic experiences can affect not only our mental health but also our physical wellbeing. Van der Kolk argues that traumatic experiences can cause changes in the way our brain functions, as well as in our nervous, endocrine, and immune systems.

Chapter 1: The Body Keeps the Score Review and Summary

According to the book, trauma often results in individuals feeling disconnected from their own bodies, stuck in a state of hyperarousal or numbness, and struggling with various physical symptoms. These symptoms can manifest as chronic pain, autoimmune disorders, gastrointestinal problems, and other health issues.

Van der Kolk suggests that traditional talk therapy may not be effective for treating trauma since it does not necessarily involve the body. Instead, he advocates for approaches such as yoga, mindfulness meditation, EMDR therapy, and neurofeedback, which help individuals reconnect with their bodies and regulate their emotional responses to traumatic experiences.

Overall, "The Body Keeps the Score" highlights the importance of understanding the connection between mind and body in order to effectively treat trauma and promote healing.

Chapter 2:Bessel van der Kolk-The Body Keeps the Score author

Bessel van der Kolk is a psychiatrist and author of the book "The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma". In his book, van der Kolk explores the connection between trauma and the body, arguing that traumatic experiences can leave lasting physical imprints on the brain and body. He also discusses various treatment approaches for trauma, such as yoga, meditation, and therapy, that focus on helping individuals reconnect with their bodies and cope with the effects of trauma. Overall, van der Kolk's work has been influential in advancing our understanding of trauma and its impact on mental and physical health.

Chapter 3:Top 5 The Body Keeps the Score Quotes

  1. "Trauma is not just an event that took place sometime in the past; it is also the imprint left by that experience on mind, brain, and body."

This quote highlights the lasting impact of trauma on the individual. Traumatic events can leave a deep imprint on a person's psyche and physiology, which can continue to affect them long after the event has passed. It emphasizes the need to address not only the psychological but also the physical effects of trauma.

  1. "Being able to feel safe with other people is probably the single most important aspect of mental health; safe connections are fundamental to meaningful and satisfying lives."

This quote underscores the importance of social support in mental health. Feeling safe and secure in our relationships is critical to our emotional well-being. Trauma can disrupt our ability to form healthy attachments, and healing involves rebuilding these connections.

  1. "One of the most important things we do for one another is to witness and acknowledge each other's stories."

This quote speaks to the power of storytelling and its role in healing from trauma. Sharing our experiences with others can help us process and make sense of what happened to us. Being heard and validated is key to recovery.

  1. "If you don't know how to listen to your own needs and feelings, you cannot take care of yourself, let alone anyone else."

This quote highlights the importance of self-care in the aftermath of trauma. Trauma can make it difficult to tune in to our own needs and emotions, but attending to them is essential for healing and resilience. Only by taking care of ourselves can we effectively care for others.

  1. "We have learned that trauma is not just an event that took place sometime in the past; it is also the imprint left by that experience on mind, brain, and body."

This quote reiterates the first quote but emphasizes the fact that trauma is a multi-dimensional experience. It affects not just our minds but also our brains and bodies. Addressing trauma requires a holistic approach that takes into account all of these aspects.

Chapter4:The Body Keeps the Score on YouTube

"The Body Keeps the Score" is a book written by Bessel van der Kolk that explores the impact of trauma on the body and mind. If you're looking for related videos on YouTube, there are several options available.

One option is to search for interviews with Bessel van der Kolk himself. He has appeared in many interviews discussing his book and the topic of trauma, including on popular channels such as The Joe Rogan Experience and TEDMED.

Another option is to look for talks given by other experts in the field of trauma and somatic therapy. For instance, "Trauma & The Body: Unlocking the secrets of PTSD" by Dr. Arielle Schwartz and "The Power of Movement in Healing Trauma" by Dr. Peter Levine are some examples of such talks.

Finally, personal stories and testimonials of individuals who have experienced trauma and found healing through different methods, including somatic therapy, are also available on YouTube. These videos can offer powerful insights into the effects of trauma and the importance of addressing it at a physical level.

Chapter 5:What about the PDF of The Body Keeps the Score

"The Body Keeps the Score" by Bessel van der Kolk is a book about trauma and its effects on the body. The audio summary of this book covers the main ideas and concepts presented in the book.

The author argues that trauma isn't just a psychological issue, but it also affects the body. Trauma can lead to a range of physical symptoms, including chronic pain, autoimmune diseases, and gastrointestinal problems. Therefore, it's important to address both the physical and emotional aspects of trauma in order to fully heal.

One of the key concepts in the book is the idea of "body memory." This refers to the way that memories of traumatic experiences can be stored in the body, even if a person doesn't consciously remember them. These stored memories can continue to affect a person's behavior and emotions long after the traumatic event has passed.

The author also discusses the importance of finding effective treatments for trauma. He argues that traditional talk therapy isn't always enough to address the physical effects of trauma, and that alternative therapies like yoga, meditation, and EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) can be helpful in addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of trauma.

Overall, "The Body Keeps the Score" is a comprehensive exploration of the ways in which trauma affects the body and mind. It offers valuable insights into the nature of trauma, as well as practical advice for those seeking to heal from it.

Chapter 6:5 Splendid Books similar to The Body Keeps the Score 

  1. "The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity" by Nadine Burke Harris - This book explores how childhood trauma affects physical and mental health in adulthood and provides practical solutions for healing.

  2. "Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma" by Peter Levine - In this book, Peter Levine explains his groundbreaking method for addressing trauma through somatic experiencing and offers case studies of people who have overcome traumatic experiences.

  3. "Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence--from Domestic Abuse to Political Terror" by Judith Herman - This is a classic text on trauma and its effects, offering insight into the psychological and social consequences of trauma and strategies for recovery.

  4. "The Unsayable: The Hidden Language of Trauma" by Annie Rogers - In this memoir, Annie Rogers shares her own experiences with trauma and illustrates how trauma can disrupt language and communication, making it difficult for survivors to express themselves.

  5. "Overcoming Trauma through Yoga: Reclaiming Your Body" by David Emerson and Elizabeth Hopper - This book explores how yoga can be an effective tool for healing from trauma, offering step-by-step instructions for yoga practices that can help survivors reconnect with their bodies.


"The Body Keeps the Score" is a non-fiction book written by Bessel van der Kolk, a psychiatrist and researcher in the field of trauma. The book explores the lasting effects of trauma on the body and mind, and presents various approaches to healing from traumatic experiences.

The book also delves into the neuroscience of trauma and the ways that it can alter brain function, leading to symptoms such as dissociation, hyperarousal, and chronic pain. Van der Kolk emphasizes the importance of understanding the physiological aspects of trauma in order to develop effective treatments.