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BasTalk - a podcast about life at work.

Thinking of living in with a friend?


The stereotypical definition of the boy next door has a very different connotation in the year 2022. He could just be a sociopath.

So you decided to move in with your partner, but somewhere some inner voice is reasoning against it. Yet you rationalize and out logic your gut feeling. Convincing yourself that everything is ok. Until one day, the partner crosses the line. More than being hurt, it shocks you. You are in disbelief and the partner apologizes. You forgive. And it repeats soon.

If you find this familiar, tune into this episode of AMX where I share four things to wake yourself up before it's too late. Or if you know someone in a denial mindset, please share this episode with them. You never know, we may help someone wake up and smell the cappuccino, if nothing else, the goal is to make the person sit up and think before it's too late.

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