Welcome to Your Success Frequency Podcast
Sept. 16, 2020

Money On Demand, Earn Revenue Now: The M.O.D.E.R.N Approach

Money On Demand, Earn Revenue Now: The M.O.D.E.R.N Approach

I know with everything happening in our world, especially with Covid-19, many businesses have been struggling. However, some businesses have adapted and are doing great!   In episode 22 of the Breakthrough Babe Podcast, I want to dig deeper into...

I know with everything happening in our world, especially with Covid-19, many businesses have been struggling. However, some businesses have adapted and are doing great!


In episode 22 of the Breakthrough Babe Podcast, I want to dig deeper into the topic of creating money on demand for your business. I want to break down and walk you through my M.O.D.E.R.N approach - Money On Demand Earn Revenue Now.


 Some of the topics we go over include:

  • How to break down what a VIP day looks like and what it means.
  • You need to create an irresistible offer for potential clients by getting SPECIFIC.
  • VIP days are a quick way to inject cash into your business and demonstrate impact for your clients.


So here’s your breakthrough game plan: I want you to get something out of this episode in terms of what your VIP days could look like and how you can start selling them. Start determining how you can create that irresistible offer that makes your clients raise their virtual hands and practically throw their credit card at you. 

If you have enjoyed this episode of the podcast, take a screenshot, head on over to Instagram and share your IG stories and tag me, @jengitomer






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